Monday, August 16, 2010

UFC responds to Ontario’s decision to legalize MMA

By Mike Johnston

Following the Ontario government’s complete about-face concerning the legalization of mixed martial arts in the province, the UFC’s top brass responded with their thoughts. All parties who commented were extremely pleased with the outcome.

UFC Director of Canadian Operations Tom Wright…

“This is an important step forward for the UFC in Canada. I give credit to the Minister of Consumer Services Sophia Aggelonitis and to Premier Dalton McGuinty for their thoughtful analysis,” said Wright. “I look forward to working with Minister Aggelonitis and her team to put into place the appropriate regulatory components to make sure there is a level playing field for all athletes. The UFC is here to stay, for the benefit of the Canadian economy, aspiring athletes and the fight fans.”

UFC President Dana White…

“This is a huge moment for the UFC in Canada,” said White. “Premier Dalton McGuinty, Minister Sophia Aggelonitis and Canadian fight fans, thank you for your support. You helped to make this happen and I can't wait to bring big fights and the biggest names in the UFC to Ontario.”

UFC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lorenzo Fertitta…

“Premier McGuinty’s announcement is exciting news for the UFC,” said Fertitta. “As evidence by the recent establishment of our Canadian office headed by Tom Wright, Canada is a key part of the UFC’s business.”

UFC Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Marc Ratner…

"This is fantastic news,” said Ratner. “I look forward to working with my friend of over 20 years Ontario Athletic Commissioner Ken Hayashi to present UFC events in Ontario on a regular basis.”

It is unclear at this time when and where the first UFC and MMA events will take place in the province, but thousands of fans are eagerly awaiting the start of a new era in Ontario sports. For more information on the Ultimate Fighting Championship visit

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