Monday, November 8, 2010

Exclusive Interview with President of MFC Mark Pavelich on MFC 27, WEC/UFC merger, and MMA in Ontario

Last Night I had the privilege of sitting down with Canada's longest standing professional MMA show the Maximum Fighting Championships or MFC President Mark Pavelich. 
Of course we talked about the upcoming show on Friday MFC 27: Breaking Point, a show Pavelich dubbed as the "best fight card in Canadian history" with some of the most exciting fighters the MFC has to offer.   Mark did not believe that this has the biggest names in Canada, he isn't delusional, but he did have a good point.
"A lot of the biggest name fighters, don't always come to fight, all these fighters on this card come to fight."
Mr. Pavelich also brought up a good point in that match-ups make fights and that these fights are matched up to be exciting and this card will prove that names don't makes fights styles do.
When asked about this Friday's stacked card there was one thing that was clear, Mr. Pavelich is extremely excited about this show and expects an amazing showing from his companies most exciting fighters. I absolutely agree with him as this card is stacked with fighters that come to hurt their opponents, the kind of fighters that finish fights, the kind of fighter MFC is known for.
Kajan Johnson had his opponent pull out and instead of Orestes Betran now Kajan is expected to take on Ryan Healy twin brother of Pat Healy and all around a tougher match up, but in the MFC fighters have to expect a tough match-up everytime out, because that makes for the best fights and that's why the MFC is the best, exclaimed Pavelich.

After discussing this week's show and going into 2011 and what the Pavelich's expect for the future,
first Mark said first off, he is taking a break.  He has been working way too hard and needs a break, some time to relax and spend some time with his family.  Mark also mentioned that his family will likely be moving back to Ontario and will only be having 3 shows in Edmonton in 2011, giving me some insight into his plans for Ontario's MMA scene.  Mark said that the MFC likely will not be holding it's first show until May or June as the legislation will likely not be cleared until then.  It was also said that all the other promotions in the area are tiny and that having a show with 1 decent name does not make a great show.  "These Quebec shows and Ontario shows that work in Quebec are just small, whoever thinks they have a bigger show than the MFC in Canada must be drunk", and went on to say" if I don't get my respect in 2011 I'm jumping off a bridge."  We have the 3rd biggest show in the World, UFC and maybe Strikeforce is bigger.  One thing many people don't know either is that Scott Coker does not own Strikeforce, Mark told me, the San Jose Sharks do.  "Coker doesn't have any passion, he is just doing a job."

When asked about the WEC/UFC Merger Mark told me that the WEC went out of business, when they came to Edmonton the next day the papers said, "Pavelich's Crush WEC".  Pavelich also went on to say that the WEC is stacked with amazing fighters and they threw great shows, they just didn't make money.

So of course the million dollar question, "What is happening with your roster of fighters from Canada" I asked.  Mark said that they do need more Canadian fighters but that the ones they have are amazing and need more exposure, Dwayne Lewis is one of the most exciting Fighters in Canada and many Canadians don't know him.  Ryan Ford obviously he would like to see do better, but he always comes to put on a show and is an amazing fighter.  When I asked Mark where the next wave of great fighters for the MFC will come, he told me that he really doesn't know, that if you are an amazing or exciting fighter, he wants you.  If you are those things and Canadian, then you might have a step ahead but he looks for talent first. 

I have a feeling if the Pavelich's move to Ontario, they will have no problem finding an abundance of amazing home-grown talent!!


  1. Pavelich is the Man.

  2. LOL. I love his overdone enthusiasm.

    He can say what he wants about W-1 (cause that is obviously who he is referring to, but their roster has an equal if not greater amount of talent on it. Pavelich has little man syndrome and that's what makes his personna. I love it.

  3. Big Up to my main man Pavelich. You're the biggest douche in the sport and you are the sole reason why MFC will never take the next step.

  4. Pavelich is a great promoter and Great for Canadian MMA, anyone in Alberta knows the MFC brand and will likely be huge in Ontario if the fans are as great there as they are supposed to be.

  5. If the MFC had more Canadian fighters I would be more behind them but as it is, I think W1 has more "home-grown" talent.

  6. All W1 talent is 1 and done they don't have divisions of any kind and their best fighters have only fought for them once. How does that give them more talent

  7. W1 blows. They wish they had the balls that Pavelich had.

  8. W1 has the best 135 and 145 division in the world outside the UFC/WEC. 185 and 205 are very solid as well. The 155, 170 and HW divisions need work. They have lost 4 fighters to the UFC in the past couple of months. That says something.

  9. There are only a hand full of people in the world who could honestly answer the MFC vs W1 debate. People in the east will say W1 while people in the west will say MFC. While I believe that MFC is still the #1 promotion in Canada, I also believe that 12 months from now everyone will be saying W1.

  10. I have covered 14-15 MFC events and they put on a nice show. They have great fighters but for some reason, Pavelich's ego always gets in the way. I laughed at the little man syndrome comment above. It will always be his undoing.

    It wasn't until I covered W1's recent show in Halifax that I realized just how together those guys have it. Fighters were raving about them. After covering about 50 MMA events in my life, I have never seen happier fighters.

  11. MFC has their nshows on LIVE TELEVISION,
    W1 has tape delay in parts on whatever channel will take them, hands down MFC is bigger and better, 12 months from now W1 employees will be looking for work, MFC will be the national brand!

  12. Pavelich is taking his MFC out east because he knows that AGGRESSION MMA is fast on the rise to take over Canadian promotions. I have seen AGGRESSION MMA's events and they are fantastic and exciting. I was once an MFC fan but after seeing this new promotion "AGGRESSION MMA" out of Edmonton. I have definately jumped ship.

  13. Tom - "W1 has tape delay television in parts on whatever channel will take them"

    The Score in Canada and Fox Sports in The US. That's over 50 million homes. They are contracted with both. I know because I'm a camera operator. Doesn't sounds like you are well informed.

  14. Mark PAVELICH is a great persoon, I correspond with him for few years now sometimes..
    BUT what he say about SCOTT COKER, is true, I know SCOTT few years, and met him few times in Europe and USA, ( He work before in Thai/Kick Boxing ) with friend MIKE SAWYER ( a great man), BUT SCOTT, think only about his money and just do his job, correct..

  15. I'm not well informed? When do you expect to see W1's last show on these networks? I would bet you don't know, Jack Bateman, the W1 president never even knows, I have seen him tell ppl on FB many times that the EVENT will be on whatever channel only to disapoint.
    They had their first good show in Halifaxc and all their talent leaves. Gotta love those one and done contracts.

  16. LOL at the AGGRESSION MMA Comment

  17. Wow I put this story up last night thinking it was a good interview but never thought we would have so much response to it.

    W1 vs. MFC
    The Battle for Ontario
    That would be a great card!

  18. pavelich would crush bateman

  19. Who do you think would win between Pavelich and Bateman in an MMA fight?

  20. "W1 has the best 135 and 145 division in the world outside the UFC/WEC" hahahahaha, who is the clown who posted this? I would leave my nqame anonymous too, that statement is RETARDED, all the Japanese organization have better 135/145 than W1 or MFC and Bellator is almost at par with UFC, who does W1 have?

  21. oh and Pavelich would beat Bateman down like a little girl

  22. Sounds like Tom has a thing for Pavelich. Didn't know he swung that way. You're so defensive of MFC it's hilarious. They have accomplished nothing outside of Alberta. Nothing!

    Oh wait, it's probably Pavelich.

  23. Let me clarify my last comment. I'm not taking down MFC as I think they have a nice local show. I was simply questioning Tom's undying love for Pavelich.

    Proof that they have never accomplished anything outside Alberta - they had to cancel their Winnipeg show which was STACKED with talent yet nobody was going to show up so they pulled the card and referred to Winnipegger's as idiots for not buying tickets.

  24. 145 division - Antonio Carvalho, Ivan Menjivar, Doug Evans, Will Romero, Thierry Quenneville, Tristan Johnson and their champ John Fraser as well as rising star Juan Barrantes.

    Maybe not the best in the world outside of the UFC but pretty damn close.

    As for the 135 division, I do disagree with that statement as I don't see anyone outside Adrian Wooley and Josh Hill as a distant second.
