Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jean Claude Van Damme to fight in K-1 next year

 When people hear the name Jean Claude Van Damme, most associate it with the legendary movie Bloodsport or him getting knocked out by Chuck Zito. Few think of him as a martial artist with a black belt in Shotokan karate and a professioal kickboxing record of 20-2.

The former Hollywood star who made a name for himself in a variety of action movies has long since seen the inside of a ring—at least not for competitive reasons.

Recently 50, JCVD has apparently hit a mid-life crisis and announced that 2011 will be the return of Frank I mean Van Damme to the competitive ring.

He will be going to battle in K-1 against Somluck Kansing, a two-time Olympic gold medal boxer.

I am sure you are thinking it is some sort of  publicity stunt to promote a movie, I know I did,

Not according to him. In his fight announcement, he stated, "I fell down rock bottom in my life, and I have that spot following me. The only way to convince people and also forgive myself to all those children with their posters for (Kickboxer) and their father telling them 'he's (Jean Claude Van Damme) a great guy and you should train like him, and then I f$%* up my life. I want to go back into that ring and to prove to those children that they'll fight in my heart, and it'll be a gret fight."

So like most people who are reading this, I think this is a complete freak show, or publicity stunt, but can you tell me you don't want to watch it? (question directed at people older than 24)
It appears that the movies are becoming real life, is this a sign of the end of the world?  Jean-Claude fighting in K1, Steven Segal training UFC fighters (successful ones at that), what's next Spider-man vs.Wolverine for the in a barbed-wire ring hovering above sharks with lasers on their heads? ( I would tune in to see that too) 

So Just one question remains in my mind, When the F^*k is Chuck Norris going to appear?


  1. OMG I will be watching this one on PPV, Please tell me they will have PPV

  2. This article is wrong about his opponent. His opponent won ONE gold medal in the Olympics, not two.
