Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bellator 21 LIVE Play-By-Play and Results

Join us at as we give you live up to the minute updates and results from the site of Bellator 21 at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida. Bouts include the heavhyweight showdown between Steven Banks and Mike Hayes, the American return of Japanese female sensation Megumi Fujii, and the finals of the Bellator Lightweight Season 2 tournament with Toby Imada vs. Pat Curran!

Full results after the jump!

Brian Eckstein (4-0-1) vs. Mitchell Chamale (2-0) - Bantamweight Bout

Round 1

Eckstein lands early with some nice clinch knees. Both fighters winging hard shots in the opening seconds. More clinching, more knees from Eckstein. Leg kick by Chamale, counter hook by Eckstein. A scramble and the fighters go to the mat, Eckstein on top. Into half-guard. Landing some light ground and pound but mainly neautralized. finally passes toside control, then takes his back. Chamale fighting off a rear naked choke. Looking bad for the Florida native. Eckstein sinks in a choke. It looks deep, but Chamale keeps fighting through it. Chamale escapes the back mount, turtles up and eats some knees. Gives up his back again. Great control from Chamale. Fighters enter the final minute. Chamale still fighting off a rear naked choke with everything he has. Chamale survives the round but it was a clear domination.

10-9 Eckstein

Round 2

Round starts and and Chamale once again gets taken down. Eckstein pressing up against the cage. Eckstein landing some big shots, tries to pass. Eckstein makes a mistake, and Chamale escapes to his feet. Superman punch misses for Chamale. Eckstein trips but is right bac up. Both men circling, trading feelers. Chamale really putting everything into his overhand rights, telegraphing a little bit. He throws an inside leg kick and lands on the cup of Eckstein. Take a minute but he recovers. Chamale eats a counter right. Eckstein catches a kick and drops him again. Eckstein just smothering Chamale from half guard as the round ends.

10-9 Eckstein

Round 3

Chamale gets fancy with a spinning kick but there is no one home. Eckstein rocks Chamale in an exchange and his legs buckle. Back on the floor, Eckstein in guard, and this fight is settling into a groove. Eckstein lets Chamale up, only to take him back down again in a scramble seconds later. Ref restarts the action on the feet. Chamale shoots a double and gets it. On top for the first time this fight. Postures up, lands some shots in guard. Still in guard, referee stands the action up. Chamale shooting a desperate single leg but gets reversed. Good effort in the last half of the round for Chamale but its too little, too late.

10-9 Eckstein

Hobbies Scorecard: 30-27 for Brian Eckstein
Offical Scores: 30-27, 30-27, and 30-27 for the winner by Unanimous Decision, Brian Eckstein

Chris Boffil (3-1) vs. Moyses Gabin (5-3) - Middleweight bout

Round 1

Hometown boy Gabin gets a big pop from the crowd. Lands a digging leg kick, then switches levels for a double. Boffil gets taken down against the cage but wall walks back to his feet. Gabin with another trip, back up against the cage with the Hollywood native on top. Trying to posture up, Boffil controlling well from the bottom. Back on the feet after a scramble with Boffil holding a tight standing guillotine on Gabin. Really torquing it, up against the fence in Gabins corner. Gabin escapes, then trips him into full mount! Big reversal. Postures up, and its bombs away. Boffil gives up his back. Gabin sinks in a rear naked choke for the impressive submission victory.

Gabin wins via Submisson (Rear Naked Choke) at 4:41 of Round 1

Steve Banks (5-2) vs. Mike Hayes (12-3) - Heavyweight bout

Banks the larger man by over 30 lbs in this one - but will the hard cut effect his cardio. Both men tenative to start, throwing feints. Brief clinch, and they seperate again. Banks walking Hayes down but not doing much. Both guys still throwing feints. Clinch once again, trading positions against the cage. Size working for Banks in the clinch. They seperate once again. Hayes tries a knee tap but Banks slinks away. Final minute and neither guy has thrown anything 100% yet. Banks comes in with a combo but its blocked. Now Hayes doing the stalking. Round ends in the clinch once again. Banks takes it by being slightly busier but neither guy coming out full force.

10-9 Banks

Round 2

Both guys must have heard the crowd booing and come out swinging. Big bombs by Banks in the clinch, but Hayes answers with some knees of his own. Banks breathing heavy after another dirty boxing exchange in the clinch. Neither man getting the better of the exchanges yet. Hayes shootsa single leg but Banks stuffs it. Fight tempo slows down as heavyweight cardio syndrome seems to be sinking in for both guys. Now Banks driving Hayes with a bodylock but cant complete the takedown. Banks eats a 4 punch combo and hes hurt. Trying to recover in the clinch. Hayes with a big double leg takedown of the larger Banks. Hayes working to pass guard, moves to side control but Banks defends well. Hayes gets the mount as the round comes to a close.

10-9 Hayes

Round 3

Big shot from Hayes starts off the round. Banks seems totally gassed, hands on his hips. Pressed up against the cage and heès stalling for oxygen. Eating body shots to his Roy Nelson-esque belly. Both men still pressed in the clinch and the crowd is not happy. Banks has no energy to spin out or create distance. Hayes backs up, lands a 1-2 combo that stumbles Banks. In the clinch again. Banks puts his hands on his hips and the crowd lets him have it. Hayes shoots a single leg and gets it. He is in guard, postured up and landing. Banks has no answers off his back and is waiting for the bell. Hayes passes a wide open guard and lands some more short elbows as the round ends.

10-9 Hayes

Hobbies Scorecard: 29-28 Mike Hayes
Offical Scores: 29-28, 29-28, and 29-28 for the winner by Unanimous Decision, Mike Hayes

Megumi Fujii (19-0) vs. Sarah Schneider (9-3) - Catchweight Bout

Round 1

Fujii takes the center of the cage as the fight begins. Pushing forward, throws a kick but is caught and tossed off. Schneider countering well of Fujiis inside leg kicks. Fujii trips Schneider, who locks on a body triangle from the body. Referee seems poised to stand up the action. Fujii breaks free, lands an elbow inside. Slams Schneider down. Referee restarts the action. Fujii perfectly times a Schneider spinning backfist to secure a body drag takedown. Moves right to mount. Schneider bucking but cant shake Megumi off. Finally moves back to half guard. Schneider seems content to neutralize Fujii on the ground, holding her and preventing a posture up. Body triangle from the bottom once again by Schneider. Fujii trying to create space. Referee restarts the action on the feet again but the round comes to a close.

10-9 Fujii

Round 2

Schneider comes out swinging, but Fujii ducks and takes her down again. Schneider trying for rubber guard but Fujii staying postured up. Canèt quite get mission control. Fujii stacks Schneider and breaks the guard open. Landing some signifigant shots, then moves to half guard. Schneider gets closed guard back. Holding on again and the ref stands them up. Fujii flurries Schneider with jabs then dives through her for another takedown. Schneider bleeding now from under the right eye. Another referee standup. Fujii lands a nice counter body kick. Fujii gets another takedown and Schneider tries to lock in a guillotine. Fujii powers out and weère back to guard. Fujii throwing hammerfists and punches from inside the guard as the round ends.

10-9 Fujii

Round 3

Fujii stalking once again as the 3rd frame opens. Schneider gets a good left hook before Fujii slams her to the floor with a body lock yet again. Moves into half guard. Then into side control. Great passing by Fujii but Schneider adept at restoring guard. Fujii moves to mount. Schneider trying to escape but eating shots. Referee steps in to stop the fight. Megumi Fujii is in tears after the hard fought victory.

Megumi Fujii wins via TKO at 1:58 of Round 3

Toby Imada vs. Pat Curran - Lightweight bout (LW Tournament Final Match) 

Fight starts with the crowd leaning towards Florida native Pat Curran. Both guys testing power shots early, no connections. Front kick by Imada backs Curran up. Imada pressing Curran against the cage, wrking for underhooks. Nice knees to the legs and torso by Imada. Curran staying calm, trying to circle out. Imada drags Curran down but he bounces right back up. Double underhooks again by Imada against the cage. Imada really letting go with knees to the body. Curran finally turns Imada but gets put right back against the fence. Curran gets over under, spins Imada away and theyre toe to toe again. Curran lands some good shots as the round ends but Imada controlled and shut him down for the most part.

10-9 Imada

Round 2

Both men exchanging as the round opens and Imada lands a good one. Pressing the action now, Curran on his bike. Now Curran clips Imada with a counter left. Imada tries to hit a switch but Curran springs up and away. Imada pushing the pace standing. Gets a bodylock and tries for a takedown but Curran once again wont stay down. Great control against the fence by Imada. More short knees inside by Imada. Referee breaks them up. Imada still pressing the action standing. Nice short uppercut by Imada. Curran loses his mouthpeice and prompts a short break. Action resumes and Curran lands a good outside leg kick. Both guys landing big shots as the round comes to a close. Imada takes another one with dominating clinch work.

Round 3

Both guys pacing to start the final round. Imada once again walking Curran down. Curran eats a big overhand right from Imada and he feels it. Imada fakes a punch and eats a huge body shot for his trouble. Quick flurry and Imada is bleeding from the right eye. Imada shoots a double leg and presses Curran against the fence. Curran scrambles and shakes him off yet again. Imada may be fading as the cut worsens. Curran flicking jabs into the cut of Imada. Lands a nice hook to the body of Imada. Now Curran pressing against the fence in the clinch before Imada curcles out. Imade tags Curran and Curran answers. Body kick by Curran, followed by a jab. Imada answers with a 1-2 of his own. Curran using good footwork, lookig for angles. Curran shoots but its stuffed. Final 30 seconds and both guys are swinging. Big knees from the Thai clinch by Imada, into a thunderous takedown. Curran buttscoots away and tries a last minute leg tap. Curran easily takes this round but was it enough to win the fight.

10-9 Curran

Hobbies Scorecard: 29-28 Toby Imada
Offical Score: 29-28 Curran, 29-28 Imada, and 29-28 for the winner by Split Decision, Pat Curran.

Crowd is LIVID, booing the decision heavily. Nevertheless, Pat Curran is your Bellator Season 2 Lightweight tournament winner in a great fight.

Sabah Homasi vs. Frank Carillo - Catchweight bout

Round 1

Homasi opening up with high kicks and staying light on his toes. Carillo pushing forward and looking like he wants to switch levels for a takedown. Good leg kick by Carillo. Sabah catches Carillo with a big right hook coming in. Theres blood on Carilloès shoulder but its tough to see where it came from. Sabah tries for a flying knee as both guys stand in the pocket. Another Cro-Cop style high kick from Homasi. Homasi pushes Carillo back with a body shot as the round comes to a close.

10-9 Homasi

In between rounds we see the blood was from a small cut on Frank Carillos brow.

Round 2

Carillo gets a quick takedown as Homasi closes in with punches. Homasi pushes him off and they;re back on the feet. Homasi lands  good combination and stuffs a Carillo single leg attempt. Homasi on top in half guad following a scramble. Carillo moves it back to guard. Good elbow from the top by Sabah. Homasi keeping tight and landng elbows. Cut looks to have worsened for Carillo under the pressure. Carillo tries for a kimura from the bottom but Homasi has none of it and passes to half guard. Great sweep by Carillo and he is in full mount! Carillo lettig him have it even has his cut pours blood. Homasi gets back to half guard and survives the onslaught to end the round.

10-9 Homasi

Round 3

Carillo lands a winging overhand right and Homasi backs up. Both guys happy to stay in the pocket and exchange. Homasi shoots for a takedown but Carillo turns hom over and ends up in side control. Carillo works for a crucifix on the top. Sabah eating short punches inside. Homasi tries to scramble but Carillo ends up in side control yet again. Homasi trying to use the cage for leverage but no dice. Homasi now sporting a bad cut on the right side of his face. Great top position contro being displayed now by Carillo. Big elbows landing on Homasi. More shots and the referee has seen enough.

Frank Carillo wins via TKO at 3: 59 of Round 3

Zach Makovsky (8-2) vs. Eric Luke (4-2) - Catchweight bout

Round 1

30 seconds into the bout and both guys are scrambling. After a couple seconds of back and forth Makovsky winds up on top. Luke working a rubber guard but Luke slips into half guard. Back into guard and another rubber guard attempt by Luke. No dice as Makovsky uses it to pass yet again. Luke turtling up as Makovsky lands shots. He rolls and its back to guard again. Makovsky stacks Luke and moves into full mount. Thinking about an arm triangle but lets it go. BIG elbow from Makovsky in the mount. Goes for an armbar and Luke is in survival mode. Luke somehow survivs and ends up in Makovskys North-South as the round ends. Unbeleiveable submission escape by Eric Luke as the armbar looked tight!

10-9 Makovsky

Round 2

HUGE takedown by Makovsky almost drives him on his own head. In Lukes half guard, and quickly moves to side control. Goes to knee on belly before Luke rolls out and turtles. Luke tries to stand up but Makovsky stuffs him down and lands a good shot. Makovsky moves into mount again but is once again swept by Luke. makovsky rolls for an armbar and loses it. Luke tries for a reverse triangle but he cant hold it. Amazing back and forth ground battle by both guys. Makovsky in Lukes guard once again and looking to pass. Nice upkick by Luke but Makovsky uses it to move to North South. Now Makovsky trying for a keylock and he has it!

Zach Makovsky wins via Submission (Keylock) at of 4:28 Round 2

Jose Figueroa (7-2) vs. Luis Palamino (12-5) - Lightweight bout

Round 1

Luis Palamino comes out to a big cheer as the local favourite. Crowd chanting BABOON even as the fighters feel it out for the first minute and a half. Palamino unloads with a big flurry and Jose stumbles before recovering. Palamino continues to press the action and buckles Joses legs again. Palamino really winging his punches as the crowd continues the BABOON chant. Palaimno timing his counters off Joses leg kicks and the ATT product has no answers thus far. Palamino lands big again and Figueroa is in full retreat. Luis drops Figueroa right at the closing bell!

10-9 Palamino

Round 2

Figueroa catches Palamino sleeping with a big head kick that rocks the hometown boy. He recovers quickly and is right back in Joses face. Both guys throwing a bit wild in the exchanges. Switch kick by Jose bu it doesnt connect. Palamino looks to hae slowed down a bit but hes still pressing the action. Palamino trips Jose to the mat but Figueroa manages to get into Palaminos guard in the scramble. Jose pressing Palamino against the cage and working to pass guard. Crowd still chanting but its a little more subdued now. Palamino reestablishes full guard. Nice elbows by Figueroa. Round ends with Figueroa in Palaminos half guard up against the fence.

10-9 Figueroa

Round 3

Palamino dropping his hands and taunting Luis as the round opens. Still has his hands down 30 seconds into it and Figueroa isint taking the bait. Accidental eye poke by Figueroa but it doesnt stop the action. Luis tries a kick but trips. Palamino lets him stand. Figueroa tries another high kick and gets tipped again. Palamino lands a straight left as Luis is coming in. Both guys looking to land the big punch. Figueroa seemingly having a hard time maintaining his balance as he almost falls again. The two men scramble and Palamino once again yeilds the bottom position. Palamino tries for an upkick but Figueroa uses it to pass to half guard. Palamino gets back to guard as the round ends but it might not net him the fight.

10-9 Figueroa
Hobbies Scorecard: 29-28 Jose Figueroa
Offical Score: 29-28, 29-28, and 29-28 for the winner by Unanimous Decision, Luis Palamino

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