Sunday, June 20, 2010

WEC 49 live results and play-by-play

Welcome to's live coverage of tonight's WEC 49 event. columnist and CanadianProFighter reporter Mike Johnston will be cage side at Rexall Place in Edmonton covering WEC 49.
Stay tuned to and for play-by-play, results, post-fight coverage and analysis of all the WEC 49 action.

Kamal Shalorus vs. Jamie Varner
Shalorus comes out thriwing power shots and lands two nice leg kicks. Varner lands a head kick and nice overhand right. Shalorusseems to be the more powerful fighter. Even though Varner is landing some good strikes. Varner lands several hard punches and backs Shalorus up. The Iranian fires back though. Both men are only throwing power shots.
MJ scores the reound 10-9 Varner
Varner comes out with another head kick. Shalorus is landing hard leg kicks at will. Shalorus accidentally hits Varner with a low blow. Shalorus hits Varner with another low blow and the ref is forced to take a point. Varner lands several hard right hands and Shalorus doesn’t seem phased. Varner’s leg is turning red because of all the kicks.
MJ scores the round 10-8 Varner.
This time Shalorus comes out with a head kick. Then kicks Varner below the belt again. The crowd is cheering for Varner and Shalorus finally takes Varner down. Shalorus is working some ground-and-pund from Varner’s guard, but nothing too damaging. Varner escapes and the fight ends with Varner circling.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Shalorus.
The judges score the bout 29-27, 27-29, 28-28 and the fight is declared a DRAW.

Mark Hominick vs. Yves Jabouin
Hominick comes out to Europe’s ‘The Final Countdown,” so he clearly has the early advantage.
Both men are displaying their tremendous speed. Hominick landed the better punches, but Jabouin landed nice kicks.
MJ scores the round 10-10.
Hominick comes out getting the on the exchanges and drops Jabouin with a body shot. Jabouin recovers and lands an overhand right that drops Hominick. From guard, Hominick is able to reverse Jabouin and ends up in full mount. Hominich pounds away until the ref stops the fight.
Hominick wins at 2:31 of the second round.

L.C. Davis vs. Josh Grispi
Grispi comes out throwing kicks, Davis is being very patient. Davis shoots for a takedown and gets it but winds up in a Grispi guillotine. Davis doesn’t tap and is choked unconscious.
Grispi wins by guillotine in the first round, likely earning himself a title shot against Jose Aldo.

Chris Horodecki vs. Danny Downes
The two come out with a brief exchange then Horodecki take down Downes and locks in a guillotine but Downes escapes. Horodecki gets another takedown and works some ground-and-pound. Horodecki moves into mount and takes Downes’ back, locks in a rear-naked choke but Downes escapes again.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Horodecki.
The two come out swinging and Horodecki is getting the better of the exchanges. Horodecki is picking him apart with crisp Dutch Muay Thai combinations. Horodecki trips Downes to the ground and is controlling him everywhere they go.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Horodecki.
The first 20 seconds is a slugfest and Horodecki completes another nice trip and takes Downes’ back. He sinks in a rear-naked choke and this time Downes is forced to tap.
Horodecki wins by rear-naked choke at 1:09 of the third round and makes Canada proud.

Will Campuzano vs. Eddie Wineland
Campuzano starts with two solid leg kicks as both men are finding their range. Wineland catches a kick and counters with a right hand. Both men are picking their shots wisely. Wineland catches Campuzano off-balance and drops him with a right hand. The crowd chants “Eddie, Eddie.” And Wineland drops Campuzano again as he catches another kick at the end of the round.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Wineland.
The fight has turned into a boxing match. Both fighters are exchanging strong jabs. Campuzano is landing some strong leg kicks. Wineland lands a combination and Campuzano is on queer street. He recovers and the two brawl for a solid minute. Wineland then lands a hard punch to the liver that drops Campuzano. The crowd stands and cheers boisterously.
Wineland wins by TKO at 4:44 of the second round.

Karen Darabedyan vs. Will Kerr
Kerr comes out guns-a-blazin’ and pushes Darabedyan against the cage. Darabedyan trips Kerr to the ground but gets caught in an armbar. Kerr is very emotional after his win.
Kerr wins by armbar at 1:20 of the first round.

Wagnney Fabiano vs. Frank Gomez
Fabiano enters the cage to the Rocky theme song (if fighters get bonus points for their entrance music, Fabiano has already won).
Fabiano shoots for a takedown but eats a knee for his trouble. The Xtreme Couture Toronto product secures a takedown, but Gomez makes his way back to his feet only to be taken down again. Fabiano passes to side control. Fabiano locks in a tight standing guillotine, but Gomez escapes. Greg Jackson is shouting encouragement to Gomez. The round ends and Fabiano looks to be in some discomfort from a low blow.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Fabiano.
Fabiano gets a takedown right off the bat only to have Gomez get back up. Fabiano on top, Gomez works rubber guard, and nearly locks in a gogoplata, but can’t tap Fabiano. Fabiano gains side control and is working, but the crowd is booing.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Fabiano in a close round.
The two begin striking but nothing is landing. Fabiano gets yet another takedown, but can’t do much with the position. Fabiano passes to side control and lands some weak shots. The crowd is getting restless again.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Fabiano.
Fabiano wins by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).

Bendy Casimir vs. Erik Koch
Casimir shoots for a takedown, Koch defends well. Koch gets a takedown and lands some short elbows. Koch goes for a guillotine but winds up on the bottom. He quickly locks in a triangle though and forces Casimir to tap.
Koch wins by triangle choke at 3:01 of the first round.

Rafael Assuncao vs. Diego Nunes
Both men come out striking. Assuncao is being the aggressor and Nunes’ nose is bleeding. Nunes is landing leg kicks and four spinning kicks, however Assuncao is landing the more damaging punches.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Assuncao.
Round starts much the same as the first round. It is possible that Nunes hurt his hand as he is throwing mostly kicks and few punches. Assuncao is finding a home for his counter right hook. Nunes is showing great takedown defense.
MJ scores it 10-9 Assuncao.
The two jiu-jitsu specialists are continuing their kickboxing match. The two are exchanging wild combinations s but nothing is landing flush. Assuncao gestures that he was poked in the eye. The two clinch and separate for a final 30 seconds of striking. Assuncao finally secures a takedown in the last 10 seconds.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Nunes.
Nunes wins by split decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28). Nunes is overwhelmed with emotion. The crowed disagrees with the decision.

Chris Cariaso vs. Rafael Rebello
Both men come out and find their range. Cariao lands some leg kicks, but Rebello clips him with a left hook and slams him down and lands some ground-and-pound. Cariaso gets up, but Rebello slams him down again. Rebello is having trouble keeping Cariaso down.
MJ scores the round 10-9 Rebello based on takedowns.
Rebello gets yet another big slam. Cariaso secures an omiplata and uses it to sweep. Cariaso is landing some good ground-and-pound. Rebello gains a takedown of his own and takes Cariaso down, but Cariaso sweeps again.
MJ scores it 10-9 Cariaso.
Cariaso comes out landing leg kicks. Rbello looks to be tired and slowing. Cariaso lands a good combination, rocking Rebello and throws him to the ground. Cariaso lands a huge head kick and Rebello is forced to pull guard.
MJ scores is 10-9 Cariaso.
Cariaso wins by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-26).

Renan Barao vs. Anthony Leone
Fighters come out with a flurry. Barao clinches, but Leone is defending well. Barao lands an inadvertent low blow. Leone lands some hard punches but Barao secures a takedown. Leone’s nose is bloody as the round ends.
MJ scores it 10-9 Barao.
Barao comes out with a hard leg kick and both men throw bombs. Leone forces a clinch, goes for repeated takesdowns and not much is happening. Barao is showing solid takedown defense.
MJ scores it 10-9 Leone based on cage control.
Leone finally secures a takedown. Barao goes for a heel hook and uses it to sweep and gain top position. Barao is trapped in guard. Leone goes for a kimura, but Leone locks in an advanced armbar.
Barao wins by submission at 2:29 of the 3rd round.

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