Sunday, October 24, 2010

FSMMA: KARMA Quick Results

Here are the quick results of last night's Fighting Spirit: Karma event

Rob Tomlin vs Omar Kerr

Omar Kerr KO

Alex Perriera vs Tom "Gump" Hodkinson

Alex Perriera TKO

Chris Adair vs Jim Barber

Chris Adair TKO

Pete Brown vs Jo Petetagoose

Pete Brown by Dec. for the interim

Andy Smith vs Curt Snell

Andy Smith by Guillotine

Rob Knight vs Darryl Mulligan

Darryl Mulligan

Tim Perriera vs Jordan White

Tim Perreira TKO


  1. You guys have video of this?

  2. Yes we do all fights will be up tonight

  3. Join the Facebook group to see videos and photos at:!/group.php?gid=134501496582077

  4. Why don't You guys pay the Fighters that you Owe Cash from your past events...

    WE Came & Worked risked our lives for You now pay what you agreed to....

    Fighting Spirit MMA LIE n DO NOT Pay in FULL!!!

    Don't Work with them you may be ripped off....
