Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Zach “Fun Size” Makovsky speaks about upcoming Bellator Bantamweight Championship clash with Ed “Wild” West

Thoughts on West...

I think Ed is a great fighter. I think that he's the most well rounded guy that I have faced up to this point in my fighting career. He presents a lot of challenges for me because he's good standing and he's really good on the ground. I think he will be very similar to Bryan Goldsby, except when I get the fight to the ground, instead of just worrying about him not getting up, I also have to worry about him potentially finishing the fight. I think Ed is very dangerous from his back, unlike Goldsby. I also think that Ed is very intelligent as a fighter. I feel like he's going to be one of the most intelligent fighters that I will have fought, and that presents a challenge in itself.

On his advantages over West...

We kind of have opposing styles so I think it's going to be an interesting fight wherever it goes. It's hard to visualize how it will play out, but I think I can win the fight wherever it goes. I think I will be able to control where the fight takes place. If I want to take him down, I feel like I will be able to, whenever I want to. I also think I will be able to stop him from doing the same to me. But whether I take him down or keep the fight standing, he's dangerous everywhere, so we'll see what happens.

On the allowed use of elbows in the championship fight...

I think elbows will be a factor in this fight. Hopefully I don't get stuck in his guard too often, but if I do, I have to worry about him throwing elbows up from the bottom. Also, when I'm in half guard or side control in the top position, a lot of times it can be hard to get enough space to land solid punches, but it's not as difficult with short elbows. Punching from side control creates opportunities for your opponent to get back up, while elbowing allows you to control them much more effectively.

On who a 5 round fight favors...

I'm not really sure. I don't think either of us have ever fought a five round fight. I never have, and I don't think he has. I'm always pretty confident in my conditioning. It's what I do for a living [Makovsky is a strength and conditioning coach at Drexel University]. I'm pretty sure if I get tired I will be hearing a lot of s*** from all the guys I work with. I feel pretty confident that I will be able to go for all five rounds at a good pace. It looks like he's in pretty good shape, so I think we could both go a hard five rounds if we have to.

Preference of victory...

It doesn't really matter to me. I'll be looking to finish with every opportunity I get. If there's something here, I'm going to take advantage of it. I really don't have a preference. I'd like to finish the fight early, but I don't care how it comes.

Biggest fight of career...

This is definitely the biggest fight of my career because of the amount of exposure combined with the financial opportunities. I'm actually trying really hard not to think about this fight in that way. I'm just thinking of this as another fight and another opponent. Whatever's going to happen is going to happen. This fight definitely has serious implications in regards to my career and my future, I'm just trying not to think about it too much. In the end, it's just a fight.

To become the Bellator Bantamweight Champion...

In the past my only goal was to challenge myself in this sport and to continue to grow, and being the champion will allow me to test myself against the best guys and challenge myself constantly. That's what I think will be the biggest part of being the champion for myself. I don't really compete for external rewards, I compete more for the internal rewards that challenging myself brings.

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