Sunday, December 5, 2010

EFC #6 Quick Results

Greg Welsh defeats Corey Knapp by KO in Round 1, 0:17

*** Welsh wins the EFC Featherweight title

Paul Grandbois defeats Travis Cloud by TKO (Ref Stoppage) in Round 1, 0:50

*** Grandbois wins the EFC Middleweight title

Warren Phillips submits Kelly Gervais by Triangle Choke in Round 2, 0:36

Jose Rodrigeuz defeats Ed Rincom by Majority Decision

Leo Constant defeats Mitch Edmonds by TKO (could not continue after the first round) in Round 1, 5:00

Ben Stewart defeats Joe Gobeil by TKO (Strikes) in Round 1, 2:02

Derek Abrahamson submits Phil Deschambault by Guillotine Choke in Round 1, 2:54

Mitch Migneault defeats Cole Argue by TKO (Injury) in Round 1, 4:29

Layne Mctaggert defeats Wally Husk by TKO in Round 1, 2:29

Aaron Shymr defeats Jesse Veltri by TKO in Round 2, 0:20

Nick Heynen defeats Billy Torrence by TKO in Round 1, 1:04

Jon Gashhorn submits Don Sather by Arm Triangle in Round1, 1:18

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