Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MMA Gloves or Police Badge?? Sean Pierson may be one and done with the UFC.

"Life is full of tough decisions"

According to a report from The Star, Sean Pierson must choose between his Toronto Policing Career and his fighting career.

Sean Pierson has two budding careers ahead of him, but he gets to choose only one. Winning his debut in 1999, he has been "Hooked" ever since but he has been wanting to be a police officer since he was a young boy.  But the force says Pierson, 34, must choose between becoming a cop and becoming a famous fighter.

“I’ve been told I have to pick a dream,” he said. “I’m being asked do I want to fight or do I want to be a police officer?”

“It took my words away,” he said of receiving a standing ovation from the crowd of 23,000 at the Bell Centre.

“I just got in my first UFC fight and I’m tearing up in the back. I can’t believe what just happened,” he said.

When Pierson returned to Toronto, where he was supposed to pull his first shift as a police officer, he had to hand in his uniform and wait while the force investigates his situation.

“I can appreciate the position they’re in with what I do,” said Pierson. “I don’t look at mixed martial arts as a negative, but I think the mainstream still looks at us as a bit of a black eye.”

Pierson fought on the Canadian circuit for years, but this weekend at UFC 124 was his first chance at the “big leagues.” He is now hoping to get called to UFC 131 in Toronto this spring.

“Some people have a goal that they want to go to the world championships and stuff. That’s not my goal,” said Pierson. “I just want people to be proud of me.”

He said he doesn’t know which dream he’ll choose

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