Monday, May 24, 2010

MMA Day Enourmous Success, Hundreds Rally at Queens Park

Mike Johnston

Despite the clouds and the threat of a thunderstorm, hundreds of enthusiastic mixed martial arts fans gathered at Queen’s Park in Toronto to show their support for the wildly popular sport, which is unceremoniously outlawed in the province of Ontario. The first annual MMA Day was an enormous success according to those running the event and those in attendance.

MMA Day was hosted and moderated by professional mixed martial artist and instructor Jeff Joslin, along with Rogers Sportsnet’s “Showdown Joe” Ferraro. All speakers were representatives of the MMA community including: the first Canadian UFC champion, Carlos Newton; the top featherweight in the country, WEC star Mark Hominick; a professional fighter currently signed with Bellator Fighting Championships, Sean Pierson; jiu-jitsu and MMA instructor and coach, Shah Franco; Chairman of the Fight Network, Loudon Owen; and MMA Day organizer and president of MMA Expo, Gerald Chopik.

During his speech, Showdown Joe made a plea to Premier Dalton McGuinty on behalf of the MMA community and fans. He pleaded “to make changes to the Ontario Athletics Control Act to amend the definition of professional contest or exhibition, so as to included the sport of MMA, which- according to a 2006 study published in the journal of sports science and medicine by the esteemed John Hopkins University school of medicine- has a lower knockout rate than boxing, which is a sport we sanction in Ontario.”

This request was met by uproarious applause from the crowd. “Some food for thought for everybody, mixed martial arts has a lower injury rate than even cheerleading. If you don’t believe me, Google it,” added Ferraro.

The fighters in attendance were not thugs with criminal records. They were educated, articulate role models that represent what the sport of MMA is all about. “The gentleman up here are among the best fighters in the world. But, they’re also among the best gentleman in the world,” said Loudon Owen.

Carlos Newton said that if MMA becomes legal in the province, there would be more local fighters that will make an impact internationally. “We already put out some of the best fighters in the world, per capita we probably are the best. And, I would say, having mixed martial arts legal here in Ontario would just raise that even higher. They’ll never catch us,” said Newton.

The former UFC champion then referenced advice he got when he was a young fighter and put it in the context of legalizing the sport. “Everyone always overestimates what they can do in one year, and everyone underestimates what they can do in ten,” said Newton. “So, this is the first step and we’re going to get there.”

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