Tuesday, July 27, 2010

By Ben Ortmanns

I'm back! Already! Either I'm awesome, or Harkes is getting lazy! I'll accept "a little column a, a little column b" as an appropriate answer. However, I digress.

I took part in today's UFC 117 Conference Call, featuring Anderson "The Spider" Silva and Chael "I Talks Tons Of Shit" Sonnen. I take full credit for the nickname, by the way. We started a little late at 2:06pm, and Ed Soares was introduced on the line to translate for Anderson.

Anderson was asked by a reporter from ESPN (who have gotten to ask questions first on both calls I've done thus far...coincidence??) if this fight ranked high on his list of fights. Anderson's response, which became a theme through out the call, "nope!". Chael was then asked about Anderson's skill level, and Chael said Anderson has no glaring holes. Sonnen then goes on to refer to himself as the toughest guy in the company, and that nobody can out tough him, and that Anderson Silva won't be the first.

Sonnen was asked if the media hype was a distraction at all, and Chael said the media hype is a distraction and that we are distracting him right now, and that everything is a hurdle to get through, but that it SHOULD be that way. That's what being a champion is all about, is handling the pressure. Chael then start's his ambush on the fact that Anderson isn't speaking much, and that it is blatantly obvious he is the only one promoting this fight, and that's the way it should be. (Side Note: WTF?!? Chael Sonnen, you are insane.)

Chael goes on to explain that he hasn't been training with Dan Henderson for this fight, but did get an opportunity to train with Randy once, and is doing his training in Portland for this fight. Sonnen then goes on to say that he doesn't go out and say ridiculous things, he says he speaks the truth, and that everything he says he is going to do to Anderson will in fact happen. (Side Note: WTF?!? Chael Sonnen, are you for real? You're a politician, and in once sentence managed to claim to "state fact" that you don't say ridiculous things, and then go and and say RIDICULOUS things... Seems like a good politician to me, actually now that I think about it...)

Anderson Silva was asked about his old Muay Thai coach now training with Dan Henderson. Silva said he's happy his Muay Thai coach is training with Dan Henderson. (Side Note: People were getting annoyed with Anderson's lack on answers. I on the other hand was quite entertained.)

Anderson was then asked on his thoughts on Dana White's comments, where Dana stated that Silva could be cut if he has a bad performance, yet still wins. Silva's feeling is that Dana can say what he wants to say. (Side Note: Riveting answer, huh?)

The attention was then turned to a question I was very curious about myself, and that was Chael Sonnen's future in Politics. Sonnen says he's concerned that some of his statements may affect his perception, however he says he actually makes all his comments with his political future in mind, believe it or not! He says he feels people likes his message, and the things he has to say. (Side Note: I am not one of these people. Guess it's a good thing I don't like in Oregon huh?)

Silva was asked if there was anything different he did while he was in his training camp for the Forrest Griffin fight than any other, because it was the only fight he had in UFC that fans cheered him at the end. Anderson Silva's respone..."nope". (Side Note: Tremendous.)

Anderson is then ask if he is tired of dealing with all these questions, to which Anderson Silva confidently, and gleefully stated, "nope". (Side Note: This guy is awesome.)

Silva is then asked if he is mad Brazil is only bringing 4 World Cup players to a friendly against United States, to which I say who the hell cares? This is an MMA site. (Side Note: Word, yo.)

Silva was then asked if he was looking at any of his past fights in preparation for this one being that his biggest problems have been with wrestlers in the past? Silva's response? "Ummm...nope! As far as wrestling goes, I didn't have a problem with Dan Henderson, and he is one of the best grapplers and wrestlers on the planet."

It was then my turn to step up to the plate! I asked Anderson if he would be more interested in dropping down to 170 to fight GSP or now that Machida is no longer the 205 Champion, would he be interested in fighting Shogun? Anderson said "I'm just thinking about my fight next week at this point, and choose not to look past that right now". (Side Note: Fair enough...)

I then asked Chael Sonnen if the fact that Anderson was able to have his way with an opponent who defeated him in Damien Maia weighed on his mind at all, and if those holes were being worked on for his strategy, and that if he was in fact to win his fight, who he would challenge. First of all, Chael told me my first question is ridiculous, so he'll skip it. Chael than says that Vitor is probably next up although he doesn't want the fight, but because "Uncle Dana" wants Vitor, it'll probably be Vitor. He then goes on to say he has somebody in mind that he would like to fight and that he will challenge him at the end of the night on August 7th. (Side Note: August 7th is my birthday. For my birthday I would like Anderson Silva to knock this guys block off. And cash. I would also like cash. My email is at the bottom. Email me if you want to give me cash.)

In an interesting statement, Chael said he doesn't believe in honor and sportsmanship, and if your going to fight, fight. He wishes Anderson no ill will, but that he is going to take Silva's title August 7th, and that Anderson will be fired August 8th. It's also pointed out that this card is Brazil vs US which nobody else realized, Chael never realized that either.

Sonnen then says Anderson doesn't have any fans. Silva is unbeaten in four years and is sponsored by ONE company. He is sponsored by numerous people, and feels he has more appeal. (Side Note: Sigh...)

Sonnen says he just wants to be the Champion, and doesn't care about the stigma of Anderson and says he'll maybe watch tapes of him to study him next week. He says it's going to be different fighting an All-American from Oregon rather than "school teachers" and "one-legged Canadians".

Silva is then asked if the comments Chael made have upset Anderson or bothered him at all? Silva says sometimes fans don't know whats going on in the ring sometime and don't understand why fighters re-act the way they do sometimes, but thinks what Chael has said is funny. Sonnen goes on to say there is no argument he's promoting the fight himself and nobody cares what Anderson thinks. (Side Note: I care, damn it. Shut up.)

Anderson has been training in the US a couple months now and definitely believes Chael Sonnen is worthy and deserves the title shot.

An interesting question is asked, has Anderson grown bored of this division? He says "no, I like my sport, I like my division and I'm prepared to stay here, and wants to retire in that division".

Sonnen said he doesn't understand hype. Said pro wrestling promos are hype, he speaks the truth. He then goes on to state if he wins the belt, he won't give Rich Franklin a shot cause Rich wouldn't give him his.

Anderson is then asked if he feels he is doing enough to promote the fights, and he said he goes and does his job. Just because he chooses not to promote fights like Sonnen, doesn;t mean he isn't promoting.

Silva then goes on to say the difference between the trash talk with Damien Maia that made his angry, and Sonnen's trash talk is that it had nothing to do with Damien being Brazilian, he just doesn't want to promote the fight the way Sonnen does and wants to finish Sonnen as quick as he can.

Sonnen then says he's accomplish FAR more in the sport of MMA than Anderson Silva, it's just that Anderson has accomplished more in UFC.

To finish the call, Anderson Silva says he is prepared to fight where ever the fight goes, standing or to the ground.

All in all, I thought this was a very interesting and entertaining call, and that Anderson came off very light hearted and focused on this fight, and that Chael Sonnen came out looking like a complete douchebag who is basically a lamb going into slaughter.

Be sure to check out this great card, UFC 117 on Saturday August 7th from Oakland, Ca!
for more info on the UFC or this fight card visit UFC.com


  1. (side note..Ben's fired) LMAO, awesome job Ben thanks for covering for me


  2. Great job with the questions Ben. I was on that conference call too, but couldn't get a question through for some reason.
    Chael Sonnen is hilarious. If he fights as well as he speaks he will be crowned middleweight champ and pound-for-pound king very soon.

    -Mike Johnston

  3. Awesome, I really think this is gonna be a killer fight!

    I just wish Anderson would have answered if he wanted to move up or down.

    I think he could be the first 3 weight class champion EVER

  4. Thank you very much Mike! I appreciate your feedback.
