Sunday, July 18, 2010

Denis Kang vs. Paulo Filho Fight from Impact FC

Our interview with Denis after his win at W1: Judgement Day


  1. Sucks to see a fight end in a draw, but I'm not sure I can argue with the decision. We're always complaining that MMA judges don't use the full range of the 10 point must system - it's nice to see a judge award a fight a 29-29. Hope these guys get a rematch soon.

    And damn Kang impressed me on the ground. Filho is one of the best grapplers at MW - hell, in all of MMA - and Kang hend his own and (in my opinion) actually got the better of the ground exchanges. Kudos to Kang - now where was that ground game against Belcher or Bisping!?

  2. I think that Denis Kang won that fight, I don't know about a draw.

    You are right about Kang's ground game it was awesome and way better than when in the UFC, he has obviously been training hard.
