Sunday, January 23, 2011

Battlefield Fight League 5 Winner and defending Champion Jacen Brooks

Nick Crawford

With the fighters entrances over and the instructions given, the ring of the bell ignited the crowd like the roar of an avalanche barreling down a mountain. Jacen and Ash met in the center of the cage like two bull moose locking horns for the first time to defend their territory. What ensued was not a chess match but a full on war with hands and legs aiming to knock the opponent out. Going from the mat to the feet with a furious pace with both fighters staying extremely busy, made for the most exciting fight of the night. It took only one round to crown the champ and make history as Jacen Brooks successfully climbed another rung on the MMA ladder for himself and for Battlefield Fight League being the first welterweight to defend the belt. At 2:59 of the first round, Jacen defeated Ash via triangle choke to claim the victory. I sat down with the humble, very respectful and understandably extremely happy champ to get his feelings on this historic night and his ambitions for the future.

Nick: How does it feel to successfully defend your belt?

Jacen: "You know I never really felt like the champ when I first won the belt but beating Ash, I truly feel like the champ,it feels really good."

Nick: "Who's next?"

Jacen: " A pro fight with Bill Fraser from Comox at BFL 7 in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island."

Nick: "Where do you go from here?"

Jacen: "Go right back to the drawing board. It's pro now so longer rounds, more training; get right back into it. Build off and carry this momentum behind me."

Nick: " Do you feel there is anything about your skills as a fighter you need to prove to critics or fans?"

Jacen: "I never stop working on every aspect of my game. I can't just say I am a good boxer I am just going to do jujitsu. I am always improving, always training every aspect of my game so I don't have to prove anything. So I will be respected as a well rounded fighter with my hard work and dedication to improve my game as a fighter."

Nick: " So lets talk about the fight, the atmosphere, the energy?

Jacen: " I was hungry man. I wasn't waiting. I wanted to get out there and fight this guy, I was there to fight so I wasn't waiting when I got my chance."

Nick: " When that bell rang what was that like?"

Jacen: "I can't even explain that feeling. The whole time before that you think you plan and as soon as it happens all that work you put in sends you into cruise control. Do what the motto of my camp was BULLY THE BULLY."

Nick: "What does a fight like this do to the confidence of a fighter?"

Jacen: "Well I got my blue belt and that felt great but I don't just think oh I am the champ now I am the best it's not like that. We go back to the drawing board, back in the gym the next day and review the tape of the fight and improve on things we didn't like. But my camp never stops working, stay level headed and keep improving."

Nick: "What did you say to Ash when the fight was over?"

Jacen: " I got a ton of respect for that guy he is as tough as a coffin nail. You can never really respect a guy until you fight him. I just thanked him greatly for doing what he said and really bringing a tough fight, not just saying it he did it and I thanked him a lot for it. He is a great guy."

Jacen only had a few more things to say and that was to thank his sponsors Oneway Nutrition and Tapout; his manager Hussein; his team Don, Joe P, Josh Bonnen, Shawn Albrect, Morgan, Scotty, Dave, the guys I fight with JBC, RC, Jason Gagnon and Leslie for the massages; his friends and family that supported him when he needed it the most this win was for you. "I just put on some white shorts and faught you could say the hands behind the masses. Thanks again everyone it truly means a lot to me."

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