Thursday, January 13, 2011



UFC representatives are looking for a piece of the Empire State. New York state is not within the realm of the mixed martial arts boom, atleast not yet, it will be added to the 44 other states that already are sanctioned, if Zuffa gets its way. Today the UFC execs made a plea at a press conference held at Madison Square Gardens, Thurs,Jan 13,2011 to bring the fastest growing sport to their state. In attendance were: Dana White,Lorenzo Fertitta, UFC lightweight champion Frankie Edgar, a Jersey native and Scott O’Neil, president of Madison Square Gardens sports.

There have been fruitless attempts in the past by president of the UFC, Dana White and CEO Lorenzo Fertitta to get mma regulated in the state of New York. White and Fertitta are confident they will find success in 2011, year of the rabbit. Which ironically is described as a “congenial time in which diplomacy and international relations will be given a front seat again. A year where people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force.” Which relates to the UFC’s focus on educating politicians and the general public on the economic benefits of sanctioning mma in their state.

Fertitta said during the press conference that they have talked about the economic impact. He spoke of an independent study that was done by a firm called HR & A, who’ve estimated that they would bring 23 million on an annual basis and create over 200 jobs, just by putting on 2 events a year. Which they promised the Gardens would be a chosen venue.

White and Fertitta have sought support from high ranking Garden personnel and state politicians and are not just relying on financial data to build support for the sanctioning of MMA.

President of Madison Square Gardens Sports, Scott O’Neil and New York State assembly man Dean Murray stood by White and Fertitta. Murray has already begun lobbying for the passing of Mixed Martial Arts legislation in new York. He has begun talks with newly elected Governor Andrew M Cuomo. To which he received positive feedback, he seemed open to the idea. A request has been put in writing to include the MMA legislation in his budget proposal.

While UFC awaits New York States decision on whether to legalize Mixed Martial Arts, the promotion will return to the Prudential Centre in Newark, New Jersey to hold UFC 128,March 19,2011. To which White expects another profitable night and expects New York residents will represent a large percentage of the paying fans.Dana announced that tickets for ufc 128,Evans vs. Rua are on sale today Jan 13,2011. He told us that last event put on at the Prudential Centre in March, 2010 sold 17,000 tickets and took in 4 million at the gate with 30% of those tickets sold, were to New Yorkers.

Here’s to success of getting MMA sanctioned worldwide. One state at a time, one province at a time. Soon this will be a thing we look back at in disbelief. We will be telling our grandkids that we had to travel far and wide to see great fights and that “in my day” we had to fight to make this sport legal and available for everyone, everywhere!

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