Monday, January 31, 2011

Canadian Welterweight MMA Rankings 2011

1) Georges St. Pierre
2) Rory MacDonald
3) Claude Patrick
4) John Alessio
5) TJ Grant
6) Chris Clements

7) Sean Pierson
8) Ryan Ford
9) Jordan Mein
10) Alex Garcia


  1. wow canada has some tough welter weights! all those guys are very tough!

  2. sorry no way cory macdonald is number 2..... NO WAY!

  3. Yeah way Rory Macdonald is number 2 YEAH WAY!

  4. I agree with your rankings but think Pierson should be #9. He is in the ufc but hasn't beat anyone except a TUF fighter. Mien Clements and Grant all have recent wins over real ufc vets and faced tougher guys... even Fords win over Pete spratt is better than anyone Pierson has fought. I think he should be on the list but only at #9

  5. Tj would kill piesron and allessio
