Friday, January 14, 2011

One-on-One with Battlefield Fight League Champ Jacen Brooks

By: Nick Crawford

This Saturday night is set to be a mountain melting chess match in the lower mainland as the Richmond River Rock Casino hosts Battlefield Fight League 5. Battlefield Fight League is a premier show where British Columbian and Western North American fighters come to showcase their talent with top guys in MMA. The Vancouver based show just recently crowned its first welter weight champion Jacen Brooks at BFL3 over Sean Zubor with a triangle submission in the first round. Jacen Brooks has only been in the sport for two years. With an impressive 4-0 MMA record proving that hard work and dedication pays off. Jacen started his career in stand up muay thai and quickly moved over to the West Coast BJJ gym to work on his ground game. With this Saturday night being a historic one for BFL and Jacen as it is the first title defense against Ash Mashreghi, we sat down with the champ to get his thoughts.

Nick: "How does it feel to be the champ and to defend for the first time?"

Jacen: "It feels unreal to come this far so fast in a short period of time; feels really good fighting the best guys around. I think Ash is one of the top fighters in Canada so it will be nice and fun to take a bite out of him."

Nick: What do you think about Ash?

Jacen: "He is a big guy, got a good name, been around the sport a while I have everything to gain from it. It will be a great fight.

Nick: How do you think it will end?

Jacen: "If we fight our fights it could go either way. See who is the better man that night. It will be an intense MMA chess match but I will win in the end."

Nick: How is this camp different to defend the title than the one to win against Sean Zubor?

Jacen: "This camp was way different I went into the title fight with Zubor after a 6 week camp. For this fight I did a hard in depth three month camp to learn more and to evolve as a fighter and to fine tune my skills to be the best in this fight.

Nick: Do you think Ash is a bully?

Jacen: "Yeah, I think he is. That is his game; he wants to get in your head, make you feel like he is going to steal your lunch money. I don't get intimidated like that. I let my hands do the talking not my antics."

Coming from a hard camp and great school (West Coast BJJ/ Fight Pit) Jacen looks fit, focused and ready to do battle with Ash on Saturday night in the first welter weight title defense of his career and in the history of Battlefield Fight League. The talking is over let the leather fly.

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