Thursday, April 29, 2010

BELLATOR XVI RESULTS - Thursday, April 29, 2010 - Kansas City Power and Light District

Courtesy of
Written by: Cory Brady
Bryan Baker vs. Sean Loeffler pictured

round by round results from make sure to see their live press conference after the fights!

Eric Marriott vs. Demi Deeds

Round 1

A touch of gloves to kick off the night and we’re off. Deeds rushes forward with a flurry of punches before Marriott answers back. They clinch up and Marriott ends up in the top position on the canvas. Deeds is working a tight guillotine choke from the bottom and Marriott is doing his best to defend the submission attempt. Marriott scoops up Deeds from the canvas and takes him down, but Deeds holds on tight to the guillotine choke. Marriott escapes and they’re back to their feet. Deeds lands a crushing head kick to the head and Marriott crashes to the canvas in a heap. Out for just a moment, Marriott recovers and grabs a leg lock, but Deeds will have none of it. Now it’s Deeds working from the top position before both fighters look to land a leg lock. Marriott is searching for a heel hook, but again Deeds does a great job defending. Now Deeds switches over to attempt a knee bar, but Marriott escapes and ends the round in the top position.

Round 2

The second round begin with both fighters circling one another, looking for an opening. Marriott strikes first and secures a takedown in a scramble. Marriott takes Deeds’ back, searching for a rear naked choke before switching to an armbar attempt. In a smooth transition, Marriott crosses over to a triangle choke attempt, but Deeds does a superb job fighting it off. Deeds gains top position, but Marriott executes a flawless reversal. Again it’s Marriott looking to lock up the triangle choke, and this time it’s tight. Deeds taps, giving Marriott the second round submission victory.

Eric Marriott def. Demi Deeds by triangle choke submission – Round 2, 3:02

Eric Schambari vs. Luke Zachrich

Round 1
Schambari rushes forward to start the opening round as Zachrich looks to pick his shot. Zachrich attempts a takedown attempt and Schambari quickly scrambles to his feet. Now it’s Schambari looking for the takedown as he scoops Zachrich into the air and deposits him onto the canvas. Zachrich reverses the position and works from side control before Schambari works back to his feet. Schambari secures another takedown and looks to pass to side control from the half guard of Zachrich. Schambari is back into the half guard position and quickly locks up a side choke. The choke looks tight and Zachrich has no option but to submit.

Official Result
Eric Schambari def. Luke Zachrich by side choke submission – Round 1, 3:04

Alexander Shlemenko vs. Matt Major

Round 1

Major paws with the jab before Shlemenko throws a scary looking spinning heel kick. A good right hand from Shlemenko before the Russian follows it up with another big spinning heel kick which lands to the midsection of Major. Shlemenko throws a wild spinning backfist and Major scoots out of the direction to avoid any damage. Shlemenko with another spinning backfist attempt, catching nothing but air. Major pressing forward now and Shlemenko peppers his thigh with heavy leg kicks. Major lands a short right hand on the inside which pushes Shlemenko back. Shlemenko lands a thudding spinning backfist and Major is bleeding freely from the nose. Shlemenko lands a hard left hook to the ribs of Major and follows it up with a straight right hand to the chin. The fighters trade kicks to the body to close out an action packed opening round.

Round 2

Major pushes forward to begin the second and Shlemenko throws a savage series of strikes to back him off. Shlemenko throws a winging right hand to the head of Major that backs him up. Major continues to push the pace and allow Shlemenko little room to breathe or fire off his strikes. Shlemenko fires off a wild spinning backfist and Major is nowhere to be found. Major lands a hard right hand and pushes Shlemenko back in to the fence. Major scores a solid takedown and now looks to tee off on the grounded Shlemenko from his guard. Not much landing for Major. Shlemenko throws his leg up high looking for a triangle attempt and spins out from beneath Major, getting back to his feet. T here’s a thunderous spinning heel kick attempt from Shlemenko to finish off the second.

Round 3
The fighters touch gloves to start the closing round and both men get right to work, exchanging solid punches and kicks. Major looks to clinch up Shlemenko, but he powers right out of it. Shlemenko lands a huge left hook to the ribcage of Major. Shlemenko tees off with a vicious series of left and right hands as Major looks to find some sort of refuge against the cage. Shlemenko fires off a huge spinning heel kick that slams into Major’s body and the Russian scoops up Major for the takedown. Major works back to his feet and the middleweights continue to batter one another on the feet. Shlemenko swinging wildly in the center of the cage as both men look exhausted. Major scores a takedown, but Shlemenko works quickly back to his feet. Shlemenko knocks the mouthpiece from Major’s mouth, forcing a brief halt to the action. Shlemenko closes out the fight with another big spinning backfist and the crowd voices their approval upon the sound of the final bell.

Official Result
Alexander Shlemenko def. Matt Major by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Bryan Baker vs. Sean Loeffler
Round 1

Baker fires off a short right hand to get things started. Loeffler lands a solid leg kick and Baker responds with a combination of punches. Loeffler is looking to keep his range, but Baker closes the distance and drags Loeffler to the canvas. Baker looking to drop some heavy punches on the grounded Loeffler, posturing up to get some leverage into his shots. Loeffler is hanging tough. Baker rises to his feet from the guard of Loeffler and continues to drop some punishing bombs to the chin. Loeffler is clearly hurt and moves to his base to avoid taking more punishment, giving Baker his back. Baker pounds away at the side of the head of Loeffler with a few heavy, well placed shots and the referee has no option than to call a halt to the contest. A beastly performance from “The Beast”.

Official Result

Bryan Baker def. Sean Loeffler by TKO – Round 1, 2:43

Jared Hess vs. Ryan McGivern

Round 1

Hess throws a big right hand and immediately presses McGivern up against the fence looking for the takedown. Hess secures the takedown attempt and looks to work from the full guard of McGivern. Hess rises to his feet and uses the opportunity to leap back down onto McGivern, securing side control. Hess is doing a fantastic job at controlling McGivern and peppering away with heavy punches. Again Hess rises to his feet, only this time crashes down on McGivern with a stinging right hand. McGivern is looking to work his butterfly guard but Hess is doing a great job controlling him from the top position. McGivern has little room to work with as Hess stands up and passes to side control once again where McGivern scrambles back to his full guard to close out the round.

Round 2

Hess shoots in for the takedown early in the second but McGivern does his best to fight it off to no avail. Hess again looks to land a few decisive blows from the full guard of McGivern. McGivern is working hard to reverse the position, but Hess locks him up in an air tight guillotine choke, forcing the tap. Dominating performance from Hess, who imposed his will on McGivern from beginning to end.

Official Result

Jared Hess def. Ryan McGivern by guillotine choke submission – Round 2, 1:54

Drew Dober vs. Nick Nolte

Round 1

Nolte fires off a head kick before catching a stiff right hand as the fighters exchange leather. Dober secures a takedown on the wounded Nolte and looks to do damage from Nolte’s half guard. Dober passes to side control and Nolte grips him tight, looking to wrap up Dober. Breaking loose, Dober begins to fire away a series of punches to the body of Nolte before taking the full mount. In the mount, Dober tees off with lefts and rights as Nolte looks to escape danger. Nolte moves to his base and giving Dober his back. Dober looks for the rear naked choke and Nolte fights his way out of it. Both fighters scramble back to their feet and begin to exchange punches. Dober marches forward and lands a trio of hard right hands to the chin of Dober before securing another takedown and gaining the mount position. Dober quickly locks up Nolte in a tight arm triangle and it’s only seconds before Nolte lets the referee know he’s had enough. Impressive one-sided mauling from Dober.

Official Result

Drew Dober def. Nick Nolte by arm triangle submission – Round 1, 4:45

Danny Tims vs. Brian Davidson
Round 1

Tims throws a wild spinning backfist to open the round before scooping Davidson up for the takedown. Davidson works his way back to his feet where he sends home a crushing series of punches that sends Tims to the canvas. Tims covers up well and works back to his feet before securing another successful takedown. Davidson is doing a great job keeping Tims tight in his full guard before scrambling back to his feet. Again, it’s Tims with the takedown as Davidson seems to have no answer for his wrestling. Tims drops back looking for a heel hook but Davidson wiggles his leg free and rises to his feet. Tims scores another takedown and Davidson locks him into his closed guard. Tims peppers away at Davidson with short punches from the top position but nothing severe lands home. The fighters are back to their feet and begin trading wildly to conclude the round and the crowd let’s them know how much they appreciate it.

Round 2

Tims shoots in right off the bat for a takedown and secures it with ease. Davidson is looking to work his rubber guard, possibly working for a triangle choke. Tims is firing away with short punches from the full guard of Davidson before Davidson works his way back standing. There’s another takedown from Tims but there’s not much action on the canvas and the referee stands them up. Once more, Tims scoops up Davidson for the takedown. Tims passes to side control before crossing over to the full mount and pressing Davidson against the fence. Davidson is doing a great job not allowing Tims any room to work with from the top position. Davidson works hard to place Tims back into his half guard but the round ends with Tims hammering away from the top.

Round 3

The fighters embrace at the start of the closing round as a sign of mutual respect before separating and beginning to feel one another out. Tims shoots in for the takedown and secures it without a problem. Davidson looks to throw up a triangle attempt but Sims escapes easily. Tims working from the full guard of Davidson, drops solid punches to the ribs of Davidson. A lull in the action forces a stand up. Tims throws looping wild haymakers on his feet then follows it up with another takedown attempt that Davidson stuffs. Davidson fires away with leg kicks and Tims shoots in for a single-leg takedown, which he scores. Tims is staying close to Davidson from the top position, looking to score with short punches to the head and body. Back to their feet and Davidson wiffs with a flying knee to bring a close to the contest.

Official Result

Danny Tims def. Brian Davidson via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Rudy Bears vs. Brent Weedman

Round 1

Bears charges forward with a flying knee that misses and Weedman backs out of danger. Bears lands a solid punch and presses Weedman against the cage.. Bears attempts a takedown, but Weedman reverses the clinch position and scrambles to earn the takedown. Bears tries to spin out of danger but ends up with Weedman taking his back. Weedman is working hard to tighten up a rear naked choke as Bears does everything in his power to fight out of it. Bears breaks Weedman’s grip and looks to escape the position, but Weedman does a terrific job maintaining control. Weedman triangles Bears’ body while attached to his back before banging away at Bears head for the TKO.

Official Result

Brent Weedman def. Rudy Bears via TKO – Round 1, 4:19

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