Sunday, April 25, 2010


We went to Walpole Island Ontario last night on April 24th and covered some Amazing MMA action right here in Ontario!! There were some of the top Gyms from Ontario represented there with Iron Tiger, Mady's MFC, Fighing Spirit, Adrenaline and many other of Ontario's best MMA gym it was obvious this was an event we had to cover. With some great ground skills, comebacks, upsets and knock outs, this is one of the best cards we have covered and you will not be disappointed with all the AMAZING live action coverage coming to later this evening.

Here is the fight card re-capped from my live minute to minute right ups.

1st fight Joe Doxtator/ Alexander Williams

K1 fight with local favourite Joe Doxtator, Joe is working hard and punishing his opponent with punches and kicks.

Williams comes back with a huge combo and knocks Joe to the floor, Williams presses the actionm Joe is both fighters have tired..1st round ends with a flurry from both fighters.

2nd round

Doxtator is tired his mouth open and breathing heavy, but he comes in swingin g and pushes hiis opponent up against the fence, swinging hard. Williams comes back and lays a big combo making Joe Doxtator quit mid-way through the 2nd round

2nd fight

Shane Bourbonnais/ Jeff Sharkey

K1 bout begins Shane moving well with Sharkey closing the distance good exchanges early, Sharkey pressing the action hard with good technical combinations, Shane takes a shot to the groin and the action is stopped for him to recover.

Right away Sharkey attcks with big knees but not landing much, Shane not looking to exchange he is getting stalked and beat up as the round comes to an end.

Round 2

Big right hand to start the 2nd from Jeff, Sharkey takes a kick to the groin and the action is stopped. Shane throws a big head kick but it is blocked, Sharkey attacks throwing big knees., more big combos from Sharkey as Shane retreats. Shane goes down with a big right to the body, and the fight is over Shane cannot get up from the attack!!

Winner Jeff Sharkey: body shot

3rd fight

Albert Doxtator/Charles Trice

Albert gets dropped early with a big right hand and Charles is on top and gets the mount a quick scramble and Trice is in half mount, working to pass. Trice gets to mount again and another scramble leads to Trice taking Doxtator’s back looking for a rear-naked choke. Albert works hard and reverses his position, now it is the Canadians turn to rain some punishment down and Albert wastes no time in delivering some serious punishment of his own. Round 1 ends with Albert laying a serious beating on the American Trice.

Round 2

Albert gets taken down and with Trice not doi9ng much the action gets started back on the feet. Albert lays in some vicous muay thai before getting taken down again, Trice is working his positions from the grou d but not delivering much punishment. Trice has Doxtators back and is looking for the rear naked, Trice now on top looking to get in some punches from the top. Ef stands them up again and both Albert ends the round in control again.

Round 3

Quick exchange of punches and Trice takes Albert down again, again Trice is slowly working for position but not delivering much punishment, he takes Albert’s back and flattens him out, laying in punches. Albert is cut and the doctor is in to take a look at him, the fight ends due to stoppage by cut. Chartles Trice WINS on his birthday, Happy Birthday Charles!

Winner Charles Trice round 3

4th fight

Jo petathagoose/Sean Torrans

A quick takedown works into a scramble on the ground and after a brief attempt at a rear naked choke from Torrans Jo takes top position and begins to look to throw big shots until Sean reverses the position.

Another scramble and Jo ends in top spot again til he takes Torrans back and the rear naked choke for the win.

Jo Petathagoose for the win by rear-naked choke round 1

5th fight

Chucky Mady/Dennis Puric

Chucky Mady one Canada’s top 135 prospects takes on Dennis Puric in a rematch.

A feeling out process and then the action begins puric charges in and Mady puts him on his back, Dennis hurts Chucky and explodes on him in the corner, Ref stops the contest but it looks like an early stoppage to me but the end result is a tko stoppage due to strikes for Dennis Puric.

Mady shows his true warrior spirit stepping in the cage just days after his grandmother had passed.

Dennis Puric wins first round TKO

6th fight

Pete Brown/Jim Barber

Adrenaline fighter Pete Brown looking in shape and ready to put a hurting on his opponent, Jim Barber comes out looking ready for war!! This is gonna be good an all London showdown , the fight begins and Pete gets rocked right away gets up and pushes Barber into the fence looking for the takedown. Pete drags Barber to the ground and begins to look for position taking side control raining down blows, Barber reverses and Pete reverses again and the fight is stopped due to a low blow. Fight starts again and Pete takes down Barber again and begins to punish Barber again. The fight is ended by Tko due to Strikes.

Barber showed heart and courage but taking on Adrenaline fighter Pete Brown is a tough task any day let alone fighting him on short notice. Expect Jim back soon as he is a tough and always improving fighter!

Pete Brown wins by TKO first round


Andy Smith/Blake Nash

The Heavyweights are up, our first competitor Blake Nash looks like he got into a fight with his barber but has a large cheering section our next big man Andy Smith the local favourite comes out to a loud applause, but does not look confident. Blake Nash with a big takedown and takes side control than his back. Theyb are back up and swinging wildly. Blake takes him down again and works to full mount

, they scramble and are on their feet again, swingin wild. Nash on top mixing in strikes while working for position. Smith gets up briefly and tries for a guillotine and taking top position in during the scramble. They are up and back down again, both fighters are on their knees, they stand up and begin to swing wildly at each other landing very little.


Round 2 starts like round 1 ended with both fighters throwing bombs but Blake is the one who lands and Smith goes down ending the fight early in the second round.

Winner Blake Nash by KO


Jesse Gross/ Ted Worth

The Main Event is about to begin and the atmosphere is electric it is obvious who this crowd came to see, the local favourite and light weight Champ and sponsored fighter Jesse Gross and it is clear he is here to do some damage, Jesse is pumped!!

First round Jesse is moving well and mixing up his strikes , big and crisp combos landed by Jesse and he continues to circle off moving in and out of range very well.

Leg kicks are beginning to find their mark and Jesse goes in for the kill, a big combo to end the Fight with a head kick to finish and The belt stays in Wallaceburg where it belongs!

Thanks to Albert Doxtator and The Fighting Spirit crew for all their hard work in throwing a great event, we can’t wait til the next one and anyone who is an MMA fan in Ontario should check out Fighting Spirit’s next show..stay tuned for all the information on


  1. Just to let people know that Blake Nash won the fight not Andy Smith Canadian Pro Fighters are wrong. Oh by the way his haircut wasn't messed up cause i was there when he got his haircut and it is sick it is a Octagon on the back of his head so get your story right plz. thank u

  2. We fixed the winner, it was a typing error, sorry

  3. Thanks Canadianprofighter for the update on the fights & the props you gave to Fighting Spirit MMA....... Alexander Williams
