Friday, April 16, 2010

Sparks Fly at Mayorga/Thomas Press Conference for Shine Fights Mayorga nearly drops Thomas

Sparks flew at yesterday's press conference to announce "Worlds Collide: Mayorga vs. Thomas" the May 15th MMA fight card that will serve as Ricardo Mayorga's introduction to the sport. The former boxing world champion and his opponent, Din Thomas, began taunting each other from the moment the two entered Victor's CafĂ© in New York City. Thomas, wearing a T-shirt that read, "I'm Din Thomas: Google Me," boasted that he considered putting Mayorga's name on the shirt's back because "that is where Mayorga will be on May 15…on his back." Not to be outdone, Mayorga scolded Thomas and warned, "You haven't been hit by your father the way I am going to hit you."

The “sweet nothings” whispered by the fighters continued until Mayorga lit a cigarette and blew smoke in Thomas' face, which elicited a shove from Thomas and a chuckle from the crowd. Minutes later, just when things appeared to be settling down, Mayorga cracked Thomas in the face with a left jab that appeared to buckle the legs of Thomas. The two fighters were restrained and the press conference concluded.

Among those in attendance was NY State Athletic Commission Chairwoman Melvina Latham, who is an MMA fan and who acknowledged that she "didn't hesitate for a minute" when asked if she would attend. NY State does not license MMA bouts, so perhaps Latham's support will mean a change in government policy in the near future.


  1. That's hilarious. Although to be fair, it wasn't a punch but a backhanded slap and it didn't buckle Thomas in the slightest he just stepped back in surprise then got tangled up with the guy trying to keep him from charging forward. And I don't think Melvina said "she didn't hesitate..." unless she speaks about herself in the third person. She acknowledged that she "didn't hesitate... " is probably more accurate. Still funny though.
