Saturday, March 27, 2010

(fighter profile)BAMA trained fighter and Battle at the Border winner Tommy McAvoy

 Battle at the Border is always a great event.  With such AMAZING teams as Adrenaline, Mady's Iriquois MMA, and of course future 135 pound star Tommy McCavoy's Gym BAMA.  Here is Tommy's Fighter profile and make sure to watch as he makes some big noise at 135 lbs.
 Tommy McAvoy

Weight Class?
My weight class is 135lbs

How long have you been fighting MMA? And what is your backround?
I have been training for 2 years and my first fight was in February 2010. Martial arts was brand new to me 2 years ago but I was always interested in its different styles. I grew up being very active playing hockey, baseball and football.

Where do you train? And what skill sets do you favour?
 I train at BAMA under Sanguebom and Mike "Hurricane" Hong in Burlington ON. At BAMA we truly mix it up with grappling wrestling and striking.

What is your fight record?
 My fight record is 1-0

What was your best fight? and worst? and why?
 Well, since I've only had one fight, I've got say it was my best because I came out strong and got a first round TKO.

What is your main skill set?
 I feel comfortable standing and on the ground but I think grappling is my strength right now.

Which would you like to improve the most?
 I will be focusing on improving my hands in the up coming months.

When and Where and Who is your next fight?
 I don't know when or who my next fight will be with. Although, I will be training consistently and improving my game until then.

What is your main training goal?
 I want to reach my mental and physical potential. I believe that it is a life-long journey and I've got many years ahead of me.

What advice do you have for new fighters here in Canada?
 Train consistently and dedicate yourself to the sport and to your goals. I still am learning what dedication really is.

Do you think Canada is producing the best fighters in the world? and why?
I can say we have a good talent pool in Canada. As for my personal experience; We train hard at BAMA and if everybody in Canada trains like we do then watch out.

What is the biggest hurdle ahead of you in the ring/cage?
 My next fight.

Who is your favorite and least favorite fighter?
I don't have a favorite fighter but I always check out Anderson Silva when he's in action.

Give us your thoughts on your big win at Battle at the Border, do you plan on returning?
 My fight at Battle at the Border was a great experience. I'm proud of my team, we all did very well. I hope to be back in the cage soon.

Anyone in particular you would like to fight withing the next yr?
I want to fight someone with a proven record in the next year.

If you wern't gonna be a fighter what would you want to do?
 I've got big plans for the future. Before I started training MMA I was training for acting and improv comedy. I love performing, in a cage on a stage or in front of a camera. I have friends in the indie film scene. One in particular who has suggested stunt school and I like the sound of that.

Any comments you would like to add?
I am excited for what the future holds and I am proud to be a part of team BAMA. I want to thank my coaches Clint "Sanguebom' Allert and Mike "Hurricane" Hong for their dedication to our team as well as everyone at BAMA.

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