Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Exclusive Interview:World's Top Heavy Weight prospect COLE KONRAD

285 lb 2x NCAA Heavyweight wrestling champion Cole Konrad was born April 2, 1984 in Appleton Wisconsin, this 26 year old, is a fighter on the rise.  Touted as the world's top HW prospect, obviously this young superstar is pressed for time.  Even so, when I called Cole and got no ansewer I figured he must be very busy with everything just being signed by the second biggest MMA promotion in the world.  Then, no more 15 minutes later, he called back, in what was a great conversation we talked about his big win, why he signed with Bellator and does Brock Lesnar really hate Canadian health care? 
I had a scheduled agenda of what I wanted to ask and how I thought he would respond but I ended up just enjoying talking to this extremely nice Monster of a man. 
We talked about how he thought his last win went and Cole said he was happy with his win, that he felt good in there and that he was able to try some different things.  Cole was happy he was able to use his stand up a little bit also, but like all truly great athletes he saw flaws in his First round domination, I assured him that although there is always room for improvement I wouldn
't call his last performance flawed in any way.  But as a 2x NCAA champion he says he is always critical of his performances. 

Being Brock Lesnar's training partner I thought I would ask him a little bit about the Heavyweight champion of the world.  What Cole said is that they have a great bunch of guys wotking there and they are a lot of fun, he also confirmed that Brock is not only as strong and fast as he looks but even stronger.  Coming from a 285 pound Hulk, that is an impressive statement.
Konrad also told me that he wasn't surprised at all at Lesnar's quick rise due to his natural ability and unbelieveable determination, he said Brock took all the right steps and believes he deserves to be where he is.

After talking about Brock's quick rise, I thought I would take the opportunity to talk about Cole's aspirations and why he chose to sign with Bellator.
What he told me made a lot of sense, he said that Bellator is a the best organization for him because it is on a world stage with Emmy-award winning production, as well as they will allow for him to fight more often and with great quality opponents, all important things to a top prospect.  Cole also expressed his love for the tournament formats, told me how he feels it is more exciting and its purity to form a true champion, something that we can all agree is refreshing in this day, where styles make fights, Promoters pick the styles, and well you this goes.

I asked him who he thought was going to take the welterweight tournament this April, and yes he picked Sean Pierson.

So I asked if he is taking a Canadian for the tournament, he must like Canada?  He told me that he absolutely loves Canada and that he drives here through Duluth to the lakes to fish often.  Naturally I asked him if Bellator comes to Canada would he like to fight here, and he told me that he would love to and that our fans are amazing.  Then I thought since we were getting along so well, I would ask him for a favor, to talk to Bellator president Bjorn Rebney for us from Ontario to tell him to come here, and he said he would do it for us(although he didn't promise Bjorn Rebney would listen) I gotta tell you the more we talked the more he felt like an old friend, he really was a nice guy.

Since we were getting along I thought I would ask him about Brock's now infamous, Canadian health care comment. After we laughed about it a little, he assured me that it had more to do with the American government and their push for health care, Brock is conservative, and that he had no opinion on the matter. 

Being a world decorated wrestler in freestyle and Greco-Roman I asked him how being on the world stage prepared him for MMA and which of his two styles were more suited to MMA?
Cole was very quick in responding that the world stage is very important in that it allowed for him to be a better athlete competing with more elite competition and that it prepared him mentallt because at that level there is no room for error, no slip-ups. 
When it came to which style was more suited for MMA he told me that it really depends on the fighters style.  A fighter more like King Mo Lawal can use freestyle better as it more prone to explosive fighters; while Greco-Roman is better for a grinder like Randy Couture, someone who grab you and hold you and just wear you down.
As I was about to let him go I asked him if he had any questions for me?  He asked if I knew what had happened to Canadian, Tim Hague, following his UFC 109 loss to his teammate Chris Tuchscherer, what a class act!!
I asked Cole if we could set up an in person and all access interview before his next fight and he told me he will make some time and to keep in touch(no ladies I will not give out his phone #) you may even get to see us spar (yes I asked, and yes I am dumb)
All in all I felt like this is one fighter I am really excited to cheer for he is a nice guy, a hard worker, dedicated, humble, gifted, exciting, and most importantly he is all for Canada!!

Make sure to follow Cole Konrad's career as he becomes a Mega-Star, we will be covering you all the way, good luck in all your future endeavor's.

Thanks Cole and call me any time for a beer!


  1. That is pretty cool seems like a good dude

  2. That guy is enormous, Bellator's Brock

  3. Just an FYI ladies, he does have a great girlfriend
