Monday, February 1, 2010

4:20 and MMA

Rolling High

People from all walks of life, students, salesmen, actors, lawyers, doctors, professionals of all kinds, but professional fighters?

Many people know about the Diaz brothers and Nick's medical marijuana prescription, but how many people think that your average pro fighter or even high level fighter smokes?  Probably not many; and while it is still not in any way in the majority, it still is something these people like to indulge in from time to time.
Should it really be on the "banned substance" list or should it be regulated more loosely?

There are arguments for both cases, but in short is it really a performance enhancer, or is it regulated for other reasons?
It could be reasoned that if fighters were aloud to smoke then they wouldn't be as "coherent" and therefore would not be able to defend themselves in an intelligable manner.  While their may be some validity to that, I think if a fighter is at the professional level than I am sure they know what is good or not for their bodies.

So what does it really come down to?  It is mostly just America that tests for this and we all know their stance on the "DREADED WEED", is it something that the UFC has made status quo to make the government swing in their favor for regulations?  If so, and it was needed then so be it, but with thew likes of Eddie Bravo and Joe Rogan such happy backers of pot and more are out there this won't be something that will go away.
Should it stay or should it go?
What do you think about pot regulations in MMA?

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