Monday, February 15, 2010

A few minutes with Mady-- Interview with Chucky "The Energizer Bunny" Mady


Chucky Mady                          

Weight Class?

Mady's Martial Arts

How long have you bee fighting MMA and what is your background?
 I have been fighting in MMA for 5 years.
I am an 3rd degree black belt in Isshinryu karate.

Where do you train and what skill sets do you favor ?
I have trained/train in, Kyokushin karate, Judo,Kickboxing and Wrestling. I have trained/train in, Isshinryu karate, Kyokushin karate, Judo,Kickboxing and Wrestling. I favor my stand up. MMA

What is you fight record?
ammy- 8-3-0

pro-2-0-0-1.. right now it still shows a loss but will be called a no contest.

What was your best fight?And Worst? Why?

Best was when I knocked out Kiko Lopez of Team Quest in 12sec of round 1, I was the first ever fight in the middle east.  Worst was the one that will be called a no contest because I didn't do anything and we had a very bad ref.
What is your main skill set?
Stand up.
 Punch, kick, knee and elbow.

Which would you like to improve most?
Ground, but not much, I like to keep it standing.

Which would you like to improve most?
 March 6 at XCC 46
Emerald Ballroom, Mt Clemens Michigan,I don't know who I will be fighting yet. It doesn't really matter. I just go in and fight.
What is your main training goal?
Main training goal as of right now is to gain 20lbs in 2 years.

What advice do you have for new fighters here in Canada?
 My only advice is to fight a REAL place to train, dont go to these places that I cal McDojo's, make sure you do your research on the gym you decide to train at and look around before picking one.

Do you think Canada is producing the best fighters in the world and why?
 Canada is producing the best fighters in the world because of the way we train. Canadians fight with heart.

What is the biggest hurdle you have a ahead of you in the ring?
Trying not to get hurt because I have fights set for March 6, March 27, April 24, some time in May, June 5.

What advice do you have for up and coming fighters?
Train hard, remember where you came from, respect, honor, loyalty, and trust are the key to becoming a great fighter/person.

Who is your favorite fighter? 
favorite fighter is myself lol, I'll have to say GSP because of his karate background.

Who would you like to fight in the next year?
 I would like to fight Sean Quinn, Robin Black and Miguel Torres.

Any comments you would like to add?
09' was all mine.. now its 20-10 an I'm gunna do it again!!

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