Sunday, February 14, 2010

Forrest Cable Out but not Down

I first saw him fight when he was seventeen, his dad having to sign a waver form due to his under age status.
He was calm for a 17 year old kid about to step into the cage and seemed excited to be able to show his skills. Thougth this wasn't the first time he had fought, he had his first fight at the age of 11, it was a boxing match in Brantford; It was his first MMA fight but once the bell rang it was obvious who the one controlling the fight was, and it wasn't the full grown man it was the 17 year old man-boy Forrest.  He completely dominated his debut fight in a 1:18 submission victory due to strikes.  Let me say this PUREBRED trained fighter had impressed me and I am not easily impressed.  Bilagot, also fighting on that same card had an impressive victory of his own, winning his main event fight by arm-bar 1:31 into the first round of his fight.  It seemed as though it were only a matter of time before these 2 dynamic individuals would meet in the cage.

One of Canada's yongest and brightest stars in MMA, Forrest recently had to pull out of his upcoming title fight with Jon Bilagot.  In what was sure to be an action packed fight these two warriors were both at the top of their weight class and the winner was to be the undisputed champion. That isn't going to happen anymore, at least not yet.

So what's next for Forrest?
Well, he just turned 19, like mentioned before had his first fight at 11, it was a boxing match in Brantford. He has had 13 amateur boxing matches and was a 3 time Brampton Cup boxing Champion. He did all of while in grade school when he was between the age of 11 and 13. His father(Todd Cable) also a great fighter and trainer, began training him when he was 4 years old; Muay Thai and submission fighting were his main ares of study along with some minor weapons stuff. He started fighting Muay Thai at 14 and has only been beaten twice ( both were him just having a bad night) out of 15 Muay Thai fights. He also was part of team Ontario in a team Ontario vs team Quebec showdown. He is 6-0-0 in the cage, has fought in XCC, King of the Cage and Tuff N Uff in Vegas beating Wanderlei Silva trained fighter who was also Switzerland BJJ Champion also ( James Kytosako). He won the XCC bantamweight belt from Brandon Sturgis a couple months back and will be defending soon as he is slightly injured right now.  Being from a highly respected gym in PUREBRED Watford, we expect he will be ready to rumble soon and expect a quick and full recovery.
 We will keep you updated on this Dynamic fighter.

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