Monday, February 15, 2010

Quick Interview with Huron County Rising star

1- Name?   

Joel Paquette

2- Fight Class?

155 lbs in MMA

Light Heavy under the O.B.A for boxing

3- How long have you been fighting MMA? And what is your backround?

Few years. Started with hakko ryu jujitsu as a kid, then to boxing.. in college I started muay thai and bjj

4- Where do you train? And what skill sets do you favour?

Adrenaline Training Center in London, Ontario and Supreme MMA in Sarnia Ontario. I like to bang it out, but my opponents keep shooting in to take me down so Ive been doing lots of wrestling. I dont really favour either, I just like to scrap, thats what makes it exciting never know what skills youll be able to utilize

5- What is your fight record?  
                              ammy record
                                         5 - 0 mma
                                         1 - 0 boxing
                                          1- 0 muay thai

6- What was your best fight? and worst? and why?

best - against anthony gott. I had a opponent change at the last minute and was kind of pissed off about it but
just because of the dominance and it was the first time that I had a crowd behind me I wont forget that fight. I was always fighting in the states and we had no crowd support at all.

worst - my first fight. Went in with a injury and worried about it too much. Guy had a good ground game and ended up shooting in right away as i threw a stupid leg kick. He grinded it out until he got mount and started raining down some shots. Ended up escaping and getting a tko victory shortly after but i was in a bad position too quickly and too long.

7- What is your main skill set?

I thought it was kickboxing but everyone seems to comment on my wrestling.

8- Which would you like to improve the most?

everything, I want to constantly improve as a hybrid fighter.

9- When and Where and Who is your next fight?

Boxing fight Feb 20. Coming off a injury so going to do some boxing to knock off some rust.

10- What is your main training goal?

Sharpen up the basics and bring my athleticism to a new level.

11- What advice do you have for new fighters here in Canada?

Stay healthy and enjoy the sport, its a long road.

12- Do you think Canada is producing the best fighters in the world? and why?

Yea I think Canada is and will keep producing quality fighters. Why wouldnt we, great athletes are everywhere and its only a matter of time once the politics are settled and things are legal for this sport to really exploded here.

13- What is the biggest hurdle ahead of you in the ring/cage?

Getting in there more often. Tight schedule still working full time outside of fighting.

14- What advice do you have for any up and comming fighters?

hammer the basics, people are trying to get too far too quickly. Learn the basics and what works for you, once you find a style that suits the way you flow then you can get more technical.

15- Who is your favorite and least favorite fighter?

GSP & BJ. Both just phenomenal. I dont know about my least favorite, if I dont like them i just dont pay attention so I really dont know.

16- Anyone in particular you would like to fight withing the next yr?

Anybody thats established as a credible fighter. I dont want a waste of time.

17- Any comments you would like to add?

I would also like to thank My sponsers Fight Fuel ( and supreme stryker. Look out 155's This young fighter is hungry!

   Joel has an Up and comming Boxing fight in Hamilton Ontario
on Feb 20th, he has been out due to injury for sometime So im sure he's looking forward to gettin in there and knocking someone out fast!! Goodluck Joel and check back for fight results..

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