Sunday, February 21, 2010

FOTN, KO of the night and Submission of the night!

Fight of the Night honors go to sponsored fighter Chris Logan and Kyle Propelec out of Mady's. It was a battle right from the start with both fighters showing great skill and heart, but at the end of the day Logan walked away with an impressive victory over a very tough and game competitor in Propelec.

Click Here For Fight Of The Night Video

Submission of the Night honors go to GarthWatkins, BAMA-Burlington, this fight was explosive from the start and 10 seconds in you would suspect their would be a KO of the night but Garth did what many fighters don't and took what was given to him. After brutally destroying his opponent on his feet, Watkins picked up his 218 pound opponent and slammed him to the mat in a spectacular fashion, then he proceeded to take his opponents back and sink in the rear naked choke. For anyone thinking there are no quality big men in Canada, I rebutt that with Garth Watkins he is one to be watched.

Knock Out of the Night

This was the easiest choice to make for our awards. In what was probably the most brutal KO I have witnessed in person Nick Niforos out of Mady's Martial Arts put on an amazing display of stand-up prowess.

As his opponent rushed in for the takedown Nick layed a BRUTAL knee straight to the chin of his unsuspecting opponent it was impressive and we hope to cover more of this fantastic fighter soon.

Click Here For KO Of The Night Video


  1. WOW...that KO was soo nasty, nice footage!!

  2. where are the fight of the night and submisiion of niht vids?

  3. Fight of the night vid is Logan VS Propelec it's up there and we didnt catch every Fight on video only got pics of that fight. More pics are to follow

  4. thanks fond it, it was awesome

  5. hey im the guy who fought garth watkins he s a hell of warrior nothing but resepect brother

  6. To the guy who faced Watkins dont get down on your self i was there you should have not been fighting in that weight class he was much bigger then you twice your size keep fighting GO!!!!!!CANADA

  7. I second that he was alot bigger then you were. Keep your head up. your a warrior for just getting in that cage not everyone could do that!

  8. Where's the Krings Vs. Bilagot fight?

  9. It's coming..having some technical difficulties but it will be up today for sure!!
