Sunday, February 28, 2010

(fighter profile) Ryan Thomson - Jesse Gross training partner and Adrenaline fighter

We are heading over to Adrenaline today to record some more footage for you our fans, make sure to check back here today as we are going to record some special posts for our fans, but in particular our Adrenaline fans, for now here is a look at an Adrenaline trained fighter, Ryan Thomson


Ryan Thomson

2- Email

A -

3- Fight Class?

A - 145lbs

4- How long have you been fighting MMA? And what is your background?

A - Training off and on for 2 and a half years

5- Where do you train? And what skill sets do you favour?

A – I train and fight out of Adrenaline Training Center in London, Ontario. I have focused on ground work.

6- What is your fight record?

A – 2-0

7- What was your best fight? and worst? and why?

A – My best fight would be last fight against Patrick Stevic. I just felt dominate and controlled the fight. Since I am 2-0 I wouldn’t consider either fight bad.

8- What is your main skill set?

A – Right now I would consider jits my main skill set.

9- Which would you like to improve the most?

A – I am constantly working to improve my stand up and wresting.

10- When and Where and Who is your next fight?

A – I just fought on Saturday, but I am looking fight at the next XCC Battle at the Border on April 17th. No idea who yet.

11- What is your main training goal?

A – Constantly improve.

12- What advice do you have for new fighters here in Canada?

A – Find a good camp to train at, with good training partners. I all comes down to how and who you train with.

13- Do you think Canada is producing the best fighters in the world? and why?

A – Best fighters in the world? I don’t know. We are producing quality fighters, who are representing Canada extremely well. I think Canadian fighters don’t rush their careers as much as others. We take the time to learn and gain the skills.

14- What is the biggest hurdle ahead of you in the ring/cage?

A – My biggest hurdle is time. Finding the time to dedicate to training.

15- What advice do you have for any up and coming fighters?

A – Find a good gym, find a good solid training partner who will push you and take the time to learn.

16- Who is your favorite and least favorite fighter?

A – Favorite fighter is GSP and least favorite probably Brock Lesnar.

17-Give us your thoughts on your big win at Battle at the Border, do you plan on returning?

A – My fight went well, I went in feeling strong and ready. I think I dominated him quite a bit, and controlled the ground. I was happy with my fight. Again I hoping to get back in on April 17th.

18- Anyone in particular you would like to fight within the next yr?

A – Since I am only 2-0 I am not looking to fight anyone in particular, I am just willing to fight and see who they give me.

19- If you weren't going be a fighter what would you want to do?

A – Fighting is not my full time career, and it isn’t something that I expect will turn into career either. I fight cause I like to test myself, and it’s the ultimate test.

20- Any comments you would like to add?

A – Congrats to all the Canadian fighters who fought on XCC BATB, lose or draw it was a great event.

click below to check out his impressive victory last weekend!!
Ryan Thomson fight video


  1. Absolutley nothing wrong with being intelligent!! Pretty tough for a nerd, wouldn't you say.
