Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chris "The Menace" Clements faces John Alessio in March 20th W-1 event

John Alessio steps in for injured Carlos Newton who recently suffered an arm injury in training.
With the new opponent "The Menace" may actually face a tougher test in his co-main event fight.
 This Pride and UFC, WEC veteran known as "The Natural" has a wealth of experience and has 39 fights and 26 wins in the 12 years he has been fighting.  Alessio has faced a multitude of welterweight contender's and has won or been competetive in most all his fights.  He is very-well rounded with crisp stand up and high level jiu jitzu.

Clements however has Great stand-up with one hit knockout power in both hands and feet, has tremendous submission defense and is very hard to take down.  "Mency" also trains with some of the best club's in Canada in Adrenaline Training Center and Extreme Couture Toronto occasionally going to Vegas to train with the best down there. Although he doesn't have many fights he stays active by training people year round and is considered one of the top striking Coach's at Adrenaline.I feel if Alessio has any chance of winning this he has got take it to the ground, but even then he will have a lot of trouble doing anything to Clements due to his submission defense skills and what I believe will be a definitive Strength advantage.

This will be a Awesome fight, competetive and will be extremely exciting as long as Alessio doesn't become extremely defensive.  I look forward to it and will bring more updates as they come our way.

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