Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chuck "The Energizer Bunny" Mady Back in Action March 6 in XCC 46

Chucky "The Energizer Bunny"Mady World Karate champion and Canadian MMA star is back in action March 6 at the XCC 46!!

"The Energizer Bunny" is "officially" listed as 2-0-0-1 professionally  and MMAammy 8-3-0  but with many more bare-knuckle karate matches and amateur and un-regulated matches he has much more experience than his record implies. Chucky "The Energizer Bunny"Mady told the Canadian Pro Fighter "I have trained/train in,  Isshinryu karate, Kyokushin karate, Judo,Kickboxing and Wrestling"
With absolutely deadly kicks and ever-improving submision skills this young 20 year old has a ton of potential. After reviewing some of his fights we thought it would be his ground game that was his opening but he has got submissions from multiple fighters and according to Chucky is the improving part of his game. In this currently exploding weight class of 135 lbs he is to be watched.
We asked Chucky "The Energizer Bunny"Mady his goals and his top "was to gain 20 lbs in the next two years" and that would equate into pure knock out power as far as we are concerned.
Mady has a tough road ahead with 5 fights booked before June 5, 2010.If they are anything like this bout 2 years ago he won't be in the ring too long.
They call him Chucky "The Energizer Bunny"Mady and that is for sure, the feet are like lighting , we have highlighted some of his videos in the video bar  and the feet will speak for themselves with more than a few picture perfect knockouts.  Chucky names George St. Pierre as a fighter he looks up to as he is also from a karate background.  Mady says "he would fight Sean Quinn, Robin Black and Miguel Torres in the near future. These would be some great matches.  I would personally love to see him KO Robin Black, Torres may be a ways away, but most definitely an obtainable goal.  We here at think he will be one of Canada's great pound for pound fighters for years to come.
Are you wondering yet where he got these mad skills, well in looking into Chucky "The Energizer Bunny"Mady we found this video of his father. Enough said!
I believe we will see alot of this young fighters in the next few years , with his training and sheer technical game he is a powerhouse. With a roundhouse kick that snaps heads he is fantastic to watch. We wish Chucky good luck in his upcoming XCC bout March 6 2010 and think he is a sure bet!!

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