Sunday, February 21, 2010

(video post) Jesse "The Ghost" Gross Looks To Make It 2-0 In Up and Coming Fight March 6th

Coming off a very impressive pro debut in Winnipeg in which we saw highlight reel skills from "The Ghost" , He will be looking to get back into action in the cage on March 6th in Mt Clemens, Michigan.

Having fought so far away from friends and family in his pro debut im sure Jesse is looking forward to having some Fans in the crowd this time to cheer him on and push his record to 2-0 inside the cage.

 We recently took the time to track "The Ghost" down and have a little one on one with him, here's an inside look and make sure to come support our local fighters!!
click read more to hear his video interview on Saturday's fights UFC 113 and more..

Thanks to Jesse for taking the time to sit down with us and Goodluck on your Fight, We will keep you posted leading up to his fight..

Watch His last Fight Vs Krings Here Click on The Links Below:

Gross VS Krings Round 1

Gross VS Krings Round 2

Gross VS Krings Round 3