Sunday, February 21, 2010

Canada Walks Away Victorious Once Again At Battle At The Border. Great Fights Everyone!

Just a quick shout out to all the Canadian fighters who fought at the Battle at the Border Tonight in Port Huron, Once again you have all shown what kind of heart Canadian fighters have and big thanks to the XCC and Woodrow James for putting on yet another great night of fights. Congratulations on the win and make sure to check back for fight pics and vids to be added shortly


  1. Where's the results and vids?

  2. Were working on it some vids are on the sidebar and youtube and more are to follow.

  3. Fights were awesome!! I didn't get home til 3 all good

  4. We are trying to get the fight results now, but there wasn't a fight card and it was very difficult to keep track of things without.
