Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ontario ban on MMA , will you sign a petition to lift it?–Poll Results 53 say yes – 4 say no – 39 say get it to me NOW!!

Now I am not trying to claim I know a whole lot about politics, but one thing I do know is that Ontario is in love with MMA. Now considering that the UFC released a report stating that they sell more PPV’s per capita in Ontario than anywhere and that the first time the UFC was in Montreal, it was estimated that a percentage as high as 90% of the fans were from Ontario.
 Those numbers are staggering and in today’s economy we cannot afford to be giving our hard earned dollars to other provinces and countries; not to mention it sucks traveling. You the fans had voted VERY strongly in favour of the ban to be lifted and although we already knew that was how it would go, it gives us the motivation to get things rolling. If you, or anyone you know has a gym or another highly trafficked area to get a petition there to get as many signatures as possible, let us know. We need to act, the government will not listen to the UFC apparently, but maybe they will listen to us, the voters. Let’s get this done together!!

Click the contact us button to let us know where you want a petition to be sent.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article it is time to act, let's DO IT
