Thursday, February 18, 2010

Canadian Jon Bilagot Goes for Title this Weekend In Port Huron..

As you’re all well aware now this weekend is Battle at the border 7 in Port Huron, Mich and we have recently took the time to sit down with one of the fighters in the main event. This young and talented fighter has one the best ground games around and will be looking to bring the Featherweight Title back to Canada with him..

While waiting in the dressing room for his last fight he was informed that his opponent was a no show, So I can guarantee this fighter is looking to get in there and  bring that belt back home with him.

Now who is this fighter I'm talking about?
Please take a moment and read Below for an inside look and goodluck Canada..

1- Name?

Jonathan Bilagot

2- Fight Class?

Feather weight 145

3- How long have you been fighting MMA? And what is your backround?

MMA for almost 4 years. I started with karate but have dabbled in everything from Kung Fu to Escrima.

4- Where do you train? And what skill sets do you favour?

I train out of adrenaline in london presently but I also train at supreme in sarnia and central fight club in windsor.

5- What is your fight record?

7 - 0

6- What was your best fight? and worst? and why?

I think I get better with every fight soo .. naturally my last fight would be my best.

7- What is your main skill set?

I focus a lot on stand up and jitz.. becuz ive made peace for with the fact I may not be the best wrestler out there so i can handle wherever the fight takes place.

8- Which would you like to improve the most?


9- When and Where and Who is your next fight?

I'm fighting Cory Krings this saturday.

10- What is your main training goal?

Do as little work as possible ha .. its nice to have goals even if there not realistic.

11- What advice do you have for new fighters here in Canada?

Relax and have fun. Cuz if your not having fun fighting.. your not a fighter.

12- Do you think Canada is producing the best fighters in the world? and why?

Mmm I think canada does well considering the size of our country population wise.. but the best fighters of the future are gonna be coming from the states once the popularity of this sport grows.

13- What is the biggest hurdle ahead of you in the ring/cage?

Giving up Booze & Burger King

14- What advice do you have for any up and comming fighters?

Say no to drugs.

15- Who is your favorite and least favorite fighter?

Fav fighter is prolly genki sudo even tho he doesnt fight anymore.. and least favorite would be kenny florian ... worst.nickname. ever.

16- Anyone in particular you would like to fight withing the next yr?

Ummm Mike 'the situation', Edward from twilight and Osama Bin Ladin.

17- If you wern't gonna be a fighter what would you want to do?

Movie critic/Food critc/video game critic/basically a critic of anything fun or delicious.

Make sure to check back for Fight results and a post fight interview... Goodluck jon!


  1. Is this dude fightin for the belt or contendor status?

  2. He's Fighting for the interim Featherweight Title.

  3. From what i've heard winner gets Forrest Cable at next Battle at the Border
