Monday, February 22, 2010

(video post)World decorated wrestler Clint "the Hammer" Kingsbury victorious in debut

One thing that is for sure, wrestling carries over quite naturally into MMA.  The hard work ethic the weight cutting, the toughness, the day-in day-out grind to be the best in your sport...all this is can be described in either MMA or wrestling. 
If you are an Adrenaline fighter you already know the name Clint Kingsbury, cause everyone is talking about him.  He has helped numerous fighters young and old with their wrestling abilities at Adrenaline, but this isn't wrestling and it was his turn to perform,  "the Hammer" did not disappoint.  In what I would call a very decisive and controlling victory Clint went on to hammer his opponent into a stoppage at 1:42 of the 2nd round.  While his stand-up definitely looked like it needed a lot of work before he is anywhere close to his ground game, his striking was servicable and will most certainly improve.  Expect more from this Exciting top prospect coming out of Adrenaline.

click below for his full debut fight


  1. The guy he fought is a world champion karate fighter and a world class striker too.

  2. his name is Konnor Kuppe

  3. What a Killer....Man this guy is going to turn heads!
